Camera & gallery

Viewing content stored in other devices

Search for content stored in other devices and view it on your device.

Accessing content stored in Samsung Link devices

To use this feature, sign in to your Samsung account. Refer to Registering Samsung accounts for more information.

On the Gallery main screen, tap and select a device in REGISTERED DEVICES to access content. You can view content from devices that are registered to Samsung link. Visit for more information.

Ensure that the registered devices are turned on and connected to a Wi-Fi or

mobile network.

You may incur additional charges when you access content stored in other devices via the mobile network.

Accessing content stored in nearby devices

Search for nearby devices via Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct, or a mobile hotspot to view content stored in them on your device.

1 On the All apps screen, tap Settings NFC and sharing Nearby devices, and then tap the Nearby devices switch to activate it.



On the Gallery main screen, tap .

Select a device in NEARBY DEVICES.

You can view images and videos from other devices that have the content sharing feature activated.