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Synkronisera med andra enheter

Synkronisera öppna flikar och bokmärken som du önskar använda med Chrome på en annan enhet, när du är inloggad med samma Google-konto.

Visa öppna flikar på andra enheter genom att trycka lätt på Senaste flikarna. Välj en webbsida som ska öppnas.

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Med Bluetooth skapas en direkt trådlös anslutning mellan två enheter över korta avstånd. Använd Bluetooth för att utbyta data- eller mediefiler med andra enheter.

Samsung är inte ansvarigt om data som skickas eller tas emot via Bluetooth- funktionen förloras, avlyssnas eller missbrukas.

Se alltid till att du delar data med och tar emot data från enheter som du litar på och som är säkra. Om det finns hinder mellan enheterna kan räckvidden minskas.

Vissa enheter, i synnerhet sådana som inte testats eller godkänts av Bluetooth SIG, kanske inte är kompatibla med enheten.

Använd inte Bluetooth-funktionen för olagliga syften (exempelvis piratkopior av filer eller olaglig avlyssning för kommersiella syften).

Samsung ansvarar inte för påföljder av olaglig användning av Bluetooth-funktionen.

Om du vill aktivera Bluetooth går du till programskärmen och trycker lätt på Inställningar ANSLUTNING Bluetooth, och drar sedan reglaget för Bluetooth åt höger.


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Samsung SM-P9000ZWANEE, SM-P9000ZKYNEE, SM-P9000ZWYNEE, SM-P9000ZKANEE manual Bluetooth, Synkronisera med andra enheter

SM-P9000ZKYNEE, SM-P9000ZKANEE, SM-P9000ZWYNEE, SM-P9000ZWANEE specifications

The Samsung SM-P9000 series tablets, which include models SM-P9000ZWANEE, SM-P9000ZWYNEE, SM-P9000ZKANEE, and SM-P9000ZKYNEE, are part of Samsung's premium Galaxy Note lineup. Known for their impressive specifications and features, these devices are designed to cater to both productivity and entertainment needs, making them ideal companions for professionals and casual users alike.

At the heart of the SM-P9000 series is a powerful processors, ensuring seamless multitasking and smooth performance across applications. Users can switch between tasks effortlessly, whether they are working on documents, streaming videos, or gaming. Coupled with substantial RAM, these tablets handle demanding applications without lag, offering an enjoyable user experience.

One of the standout features of these tablets is the stunning display. With a large, high-resolution Super AMOLED display, users can enjoy vibrant colors and deep contrasts. This makes watching movies, playing games, or working on creative projects visually appealing and immersive. The touchscreen is highly responsive, enhanced by Samsung’s S Pen technology. The S Pen offers precise control and is perfect for note-taking, sketching, and annotating documents.

In terms of connectivity, the SM-P9000 series boasts multiple options, including Wi-Fi and optional LTE connectivity, allowing users to stay connected on the go. The tablets include advanced Bluetooth technology that makes it easy to connect with other devices, such as keyboards, headphones, or speakers.

In addition to hardware capabilities, the SM-P9000 models come with a robust software ecosystem. Running on a user-friendly version of Android, the tablets provide access to the Google Play Store, where users can download a multitude of apps tailored for productivity, gaming, and creativity. Samsung's own suite of applications, such as Samsung Notes and Samsung DeX, further enhance the functionality of these devices, allowing for a seamless transition between tablet and desktop experiences.

Battery life is another highlight of the SM-P9000 series, with long-lasting power that supports extensive usage throughout the day. Ideal for professionals who may need to work without being tethered to an outlet, the devices also support fast charging for quick power-ups.

Overall, the Samsung SM-P9000ZWANEE, SM-P9000ZWYNEE, SM-P9000ZKANEE, and SM-P9000ZKYNEE tablets combine cutting-edge technology with practical features, making them exceptional devices for anyone looking to enhance their digital experience. Whether for work or play, these tablets deliver impressive performance in a sleek and modern package.