
Playing videos

Video files show the icon on the preview. Select a video to watch it and tap .

Trimming segments of a video

Select a video and tap . Move the start bracket to the desired starting point, move the end bracket to the desired ending point, and then save the video.

Editing images

When viewing an image, tap and use the following functions:

More info: View image details.

Copy to clipboard: Copy to clipboard.

Rotate left: Rotate anticlockwise.

Rotate right: Rotate clockwise.

Crop: Resize the blue frame to crop and save the image in it.

Rename: Rename the file.

Slideshow: Start a slideshow with the images in the current folder.

Set as: Set the image as wallpaper or a contact image.

Print: Print the image by connecting the device to a printer. Some printers may not be compatible with the device.

Settings: Change the Gallery settings.

Deleting images

Use one of the following methods:

In a folder, tap Select, select images, and then tap .

When viewing an image, tap .