Web & network

Message box: Send messages to attendees.

Show received messages: Set the device to display the text of a new message from attendees.

Send files: Send files to attendees.

Share via: Share files with attendees.

Page lock: Lock the page so that the attendees can view only the page the host is presenting.

Change host: Change the host.

Save meeting files: Save the meeting files and all written works.

Meeting info: View meeting information.

Help: Access help information about e-Meeting.

Close meeting: Close the current meeting session.

Attendee’s screen

View the screen the host shares and write on the screen.

While scrolling through the document, tap to move to the page the presenter is viewing.

To be the presenter, tap . The screen changes to the presenter mode. Tap to return to the attendee mode.

Closing or exiting the meeting

Tap or Close meeting or Exit meeting.

When the network connection fails during a meeting

When the host is disconnected

End the meeting or connect to the same network again to continue the meeting. Attendees can save the files and exit the meeting, or wait till the meeting resumes.

When the attendees are disconnected

Launch e-Meetingand join the meeting again.