
èród∏o zasilania jest wskazane na tylnej cz´Êci zestawu. Zestaw zawiera cz´Êci b´dàce pod wysokim napi´ciem.

Demonta˝ obudowy mo˝e spowodowaç po˝ar lub pora˝enie pràdem elektrycznym. Nie nale˝y samodzielnie demontowaç obudowy. (Prze∏àczniki sterujàce znajdujà si´ na przedniej cz´Êci monitora).

1.Przeczytaç instrukcje : Przed rozpocz´ciem obs∏ugi urzàdzenia nale˝y przeczytaç wszystkie instrukcje dotyczàce bezpieczeƒstwa i obs∏ugi.

2.Zachowaç instrukcje : Instrukcje dotyczàce bezpieczeƒstwa i obs∏ugi nale˝y zachowaç do u˝ytku w przysz∏oÊci.

3.Zwracaç uwag´ na ostrze˝enia : Nale˝y przestrzegaç wszystkich ostrze˝eƒ znajdujàcych si´ na monitorze i zawartych w instrukcji obs∏ugi.

4.Przestrzegaç instrukcji : Nale˝y przestrzegaç wszystkich instrukcji dotyczàcych obs∏ugi.

5.Czyszczenie : Przed rozpocz´ciem czyszczenia od∏àczyç monitor od gniazda sieci elektrycznej.

Nie stosowaç Êrodków czyszczàcych w p∏ynie ani aerozolu. CzyÊciç przy u˝yciu wilgotnej Êciereczki.

Wyjàtek. Sytuacja, w której monitor przeznaczony jest do nieprzerwanej pracy i z jakiegoÊ powodu np. utraty kodu autoryzacji konwertera CATV, nie b´dzie od∏àczany przez u˝ytkownika do czyszczenia lub innego celu stanowi wyjàtek od zaleceƒ w pkt. 5.

6.Elementy wyposa˝enia : Nie nale˝y u˝ywaç elementów wyposa˝enia niezalecanych przez firm´ Samsung, poniewa˝ mogà one powodowaç zagro˝enia.

7.Woda i wilgoç : Nie u˝ywaç monitora w pobli˝u wody np. blisko wanny, zlewozmywaka lub miski do prania, w wilgotnej piwnicy lub przy basenie itp.


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Samsung SMC-214PV, SMC-213P manual WA˚NE Informacje NA Temat BEZPIECZE¡STWA, Polski-4

SMC-214PV, SMC-213P, SMC-214P specifications

The Samsung SMC-214P is a powerhouse in the realm of smart home devices, combining cutting-edge technologies with an elegant design and user-friendly functionality. This device has garnered attention for its versatility and robust feature set, making it a popular choice among consumers looking to enhance their living spaces.

One of the standout features of the SMC-214P is its high-resolution display. The device is equipped with a vibrant screen that delivers crisp visuals, allowing users to easily navigate through various apps and settings. This display is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, providing essential information at a glance.

The SMC-214P boasts advanced connectivity options, including Wi-Fi and Bluetooth support, ensuring seamless integration with other smart home devices. This interoperability enhances the overall smart ecosystem, enabling users to control their appliances, security systems, and more through a single interface. The device is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms, providing a versatile user experience across different operating systems.

In terms of audio capabilities, the SMC-214P houses high-quality speakers that deliver impressive sound. Whether streaming music or taking calls, users can expect clear, rich audio output that elevates their overall experience. Furthermore, the built-in microphone allows for hands-free functionality, making it easy to initiate voice commands or communicate with other connected devices.

The SMC-214P is powered by energy-efficient technology, making it an environmentally friendly option for consumers. Its smart energy management system optimizes power consumption without compromising performance, allowing users to reduce their carbon footprint while enjoying a high-tech lifestyle.

Security features are also a top priority with the SMC-214P. It comes with robust encryption protocols to protect user data and privacy, ensuring that personal information remains secure. Additionally, the device supports remote monitoring, giving users peace of mind when they are away from home.

The aesthetic design of the SMC-214P is another notable characteristic. With a sleek and modern look, it seamlessly integrates into any home decor. Its compact size makes it easy to place on shelves, desks, or countertops without taking up too much space.

Overall, the Samsung SMC-214P is a formidable addition to any smart home. With its combination of advanced features, connectivity options, and elegant design, it stands out as a leader in the market for smart devices. Whether for entertainment, security, or home automation, the SMC-214P is designed to meet the diverse needs of modern consumers.