
Teplotu v mrazniãce lze nastavit v rozmezí -14°C aÏ - 25°C.

Stisknûte tlaãítko FREEZER TEMP. opakovanû, dokud se poÏadovaná teplota neobjeví na displeji.

Zobrazení teploty na displeji se bude mûnit v postupnû v pofiadí od -14°C do -25°C. Po dosaÏení -25°C na displeji se hodnota vrátí na -14°C.

Po pûti vtefiinách se displej vrátí na zobrazení aktuální teploty v mrazniãce, která se bude mûnit postupnû, dokud teplota nedosáhne novû nastavenou hodnotu.

Teplotní displej

Zobrazuje aktuální a nastavenou teplotu v mrazniãce.

Displej mrazniãky

Zobrazuje, Ïe nastavujete teplotu mrazniãky nebo otevfieli dvefie mrazniãky.


Teplotu v chladniãce lze nastavit v rozmezí 7°C aÏ 1°C.

Stisknûte tlaãítko REFRIGERATOR TEMP. opakovanû, dokud se poÏadovaná teplota neobjeví na displeji.

Zobrazení teploty se bude mûnit postupnû v pofiadí

a vrátí se na aktuální teploty stejnû jako pfii nastavování teploty v mrazniãce.

Teplotní displej

Zobrazuje aktuální a nastavenou teplotu v chladniãce.

Displej chladniãky

Zobrazuje, Ïe nastavujete teplotu chladniãky nebo jste otevfieli dvefie chladniãky.


Rychlé zmraÏení

Tato kontrolka se rozsvítí, kdyÏ stisknete tlaãítko QUICK FREEZE.

Stisknûte toto tlaãítko opût pro zru‰ení reÏimu rychlého zmrazování. Mrazniãka se automaticky pfiepne zpût do normálního reÏimu po 2.5 hodinách.

Rychlé ochlazení

Kontrolka rychlého ochlazení se rozsvítí a teplota se vrátí na pÛvodnû nastavenou hodnotu po vychlazení uskladnûn˘ch potravin na poÏadovanou teplotu nebo po uplynutí 2 a pÛl hodiny rychlého chlazení.

Teplotní displej

Zobrazené teploty v mrazniãce a chladniãce jsou aktuální teploty v kaÏdém oddílu po spu‰tûní spotfiebiãe nebo po otevfiení dvefií.

MoÏná bude jen velmi mal˘ rozdíl mezi nastavenou teplotou a aktuální teplotou.


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Samsung SN627EPNSQ/XEH manual Kontrola Teploty V CHLADNIâCE a MRAZNIâCE, Mrazniãka, Chladniãka

SN627EPNSQ/XEH specifications

The Samsung SN629EPNSQ/XEH, SN627ECSWQ/XEH, and SN627EPNSQ/XEH are part of Samsung's latest lineup of high-performance solid-state drives (SSDs). Designed to cater to both consumer and professional markets, these drives leverage cutting-edge technologies to deliver exceptional speed, reliability, and efficiency, making them an ideal choice for gamers, content creators, and everyday users alike.

One of the standout features of these SSDs is their utilization of the latest PCIe Gen 4 interface. This advancement allows for significantly faster data transfer rates compared to previous generations, enabling read speeds of up to 7,000 MB/s and write speeds that can reach up to 5,000 MB/s. As a result, users can experience rapid boot times, quick file transfers, and seamless multitasking, all of which are essential in today’s fast-paced computing environment.

Built with Samsung's advanced V-NAND technology, the SN629 and SN627 series deliver enhanced durability and performance. This 3D NAND architecture not only increases data storage density but also improves device longevity and reliability. Moreover, these SSDs are equipped with a robust thermal control mechanism, which prevents overheating and maintains optimal performance even during intensive tasks.

The drives come with Samsung's Intelligent TurboWrite technology, which creates a high-performance buffer for improved writing speeds. This feature ensures efficient management of data during large file transfers and enhances overall system responsiveness. Additionally, the built-in Dynamic Thermal Guard technology monitors the drive’s temperature, protecting valuable data and maintaining performance under heavy workloads.

With capacities ranging from 250GB to 2TB, users can select a model that best suits their storage needs. This flexibility facilitates the storage of extensive files, software applications, and games, ensuring users never run out of space when they need it most.

Finally, security is prioritized with these SSDs through the integration of AES 256-bit hardware encryption, safeguarding sensitive data against unauthorized access. This combination of high speed, reliability, and security makes the Samsung SN629EPNSQ/XEH, SN627ECSWQ/XEH, and SN627EPNSQ/XEH SSDs an excellent investment for anyone looking to enhance their computing experience. Whether for gaming, professional editing, or day-to-day tasks, these drives are engineered to perform at the highest levels, setting a benchmark in the SSD market.