Samsung VC248HNJGNC/EV manual Ehtiyot choralari haqida malumot, Ehtiyot Choralari Haqida Malumot


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Ehtiyot choralari haqida ma'lumot




Jihozni ishlatishdan oldin ushbu qo'llanmani sinchiklab o'qib chiqing va keyinchalik foydalanish uchun saqlab qo'ying.

Chunki quyidagi ishlatish bo'yicha ko'rsatmalar turli modellarni qamrab oladi va changyutgichingiz xususiyatlari ushbu qo'llanmada tavsifi berilgan changyutgichlardan bir oz farq qilishi mumkin.



O'lim va og'ir jarohatlanish xavfi mavjudligini ko'rsatadi.


Shaxsiy jarohatlanish yoki moddiy shikastlash xavfi borligini ko'rsatadi.


QILMASLIGINGIZ kerak bo'lgan narsalarni bildiradi.

Amal qilishingiz kerak bo'lgan narsalarni bildiradi.

Vilkani rozetkadan uzishingiz kerakligini ko'rsatadi.

Ushbu changyutgich faqat maishiy foydalanish uchun mo‘ljallangan.

OGOHLANTIRISH Changyutgichdan qurilish chiqindilar, axlat va lazerli printer tonerini tozalashdan foydalanish mumkin emas. Filterlarni doim toza holatda saqlang, ularda mayda chang zarralari yig‘ilishiga yo‘l qo‘ymang.

Gilam tozalash vositalari yoki mayda chang zarralarini, masalan, unni faqat kichik miqdordagina tozalash lozim. Tozalashdan keyin changqopcha va filterlarni doim e‘tibor bilan tozalab chiqing.

Changyutgichdan changqopcha yoki filterlarsiz foydalamish mumkin emas. Shuningdek, o‘ta eski, zararlangan yoki shaklini yo‘qotgan filterlarni ham ishlatish ta‘qiqlanadi. Filterni ko‘rsatmaga rioya etgan holda har doim to‘g‘ri o‘rnating.

Sanab o‘tilgan talablarni bajarmaslik qurilma ichki qismlarining zararlanishiga va kafolat xizmatining bekor qilinishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

Miktofilterni yuvib bo‘lgandan keyin uni hech qachon buramang.

Bunday qilish uning shaklini yo‘qotishi yoki zararlanishiga olib kelishi mumkin.

Agar filter shaklini yo‘qotgan yoki zararlangan bo‘lsa, uni yangisiga almashtiring. (Agar ushbu talablarga rioya etilmasa, chang va chiqindi motor ichiga tushadi)

Kontakt yuzalar va o‘rnatish qismida bo‘shliqlar qoldirmasdan filterni to‘g‘ri o‘rnating. (Agar ushbu talablarga rioya etilmasa, chang va chiqindi motor ichiga tushadi)

02_ Ehtiyot choralari haqida ma'lumot

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Samsung VC248HNJGNC/EV Ehtiyot choralari haqida malumot, Ehtiyot Choralari Haqida Malumot, Foydalanilgan Boshqa Belgilar


Samsung has consistently placed itself at the forefront of technology and innovation, and its line of VC248HNJGPT/EV, VC248HNJGNC/EV, and VC246VNJGPT/EV monitors exemplifies this commitment. These monitors are particularly aimed at enhancing productivity and visual experiences, making them suitable for a variety of environments, from home offices to corporate settings.

The VC248HNJGPT/EV model stands out with its Full HD resolution, offering stunning clarity with 1920x1080 pixels. This ensures that users can enjoy detailed imagery, whether they’re working on spreadsheets, browsing the web, or watching videos. The monitor features an IPS panel, which guarantees wide viewing angles and vibrant color accuracy, allowing for consistent visuals from almost any position.

Samsung's VC248HNJGNC/EV also comes equipped with a similar Full HD resolution and IPS technology, but it is particularly designed for energy efficiency. The Eco Saving technology reduces power consumption without sacrificing performance, contributing to a lower environmental footprint. Moreover, the sleek and modern design of this model is complemented by thin bezels, ensuring that it fits seamlessly into any workspace.

On the other hand, the VC246VNJGPT/EV model is designed with advanced ergonomic features. It includes height adjustment, tilt, and swivel functions, providing optimal comfort for long hours of use. This is particularly important for professionals who spend significant time in front of their screens, as it helps to reduce strain on the neck and eyes.

All models incorporate Samsung’s Eye Saver mode and Flicker-Free technology, both of which are essential for eye health. Eye Saver mode reduces blue light emissions, which can cause fatigue and discomfort, while Flicker-Free technology eliminates screen flickering, making it easier on the eyes over extended periods.

The connectivity options of these monitors are particularly versatile, featuring HDMI and VGA ports, allowing for easy connections to various devices such as laptops and desktops. This flexibility ensures that users can set up their workstations efficiently without dealing with compatibility issues.

In conclusion, Samsung’s VC248HNJGPT/EV, VC248HNJGNC/EV, and VC246VNJGPT/EV monitors embody the brand's focus on quality, performance, and user comfort. With their impressive features, energy-efficient technologies, and ergonomic designs, they are ideal choices for both personal and professional use, affirming Samsung's status in the technology landscape.