[Czech - Čeština]

Na základě nařízení Evropské komise č. 665/2013 a 666/2013



CTřída energetické účinnosti

DRoční spotřeba elektrické energie (kWh/rok)

ETřída výkonnosti čištění koberců

FTřída výkonnosti čištění pevných podlah

GTřída reemisí prachu

HÚroveň hlučnosti (dBA)

IJmenovitý příkon (W) J Typ

1)Směrná roční spotřeba energie (kWh za rok) při 50 použitích vysavače.

Skutečná roční spotřeba energie závisí na způsobu používání spotřebiče.

2)Měření spotřeby elektrické energie a výkonu vycházejí z metod uvedených ve standardech EN 60312-1 a EN 60704.

[Slovakian - Slovenčina]

Podľa nariadenia Komisie (EÚ) č. 665/2013 a


A Dodávateľ B Model

C Trieda energetickej účinnosti

D Ročná spotreba energie (kWh/rok) E Trieda účinnosti čistenia kobercov

F Trieda účinnosti čistenia tvrdých podláh G Trieda reemisie prachu

H Úroveň intenzity zvuku (dBA) I Menovitý príkon (W)

J Typ

1)Orientačná ročná spotreba energie (kWh za rok), založená na 50 upratovacích úkonoch. Reálna ročná spotreba energie bude závisieť od toho, ako sa spotrebič používa.

2)Merania spotreby energie a výkonu sú založené na postupoch uvedených v normách EN 60312-1 a EN 60704.

[Romanian - Română]

Conform Regulamentelor Comisiei (UE) nr. 665/2013 şi nr. 666/2013



CClasa de eficienţă energetică

DConsumul anual de energie (kWh/an)

EClasa de performanţă la curăţarea covoarelor

FClasa de performanţă la curăţarea pardoselilor tari

GClasa de reemisie a prafului

HNivelul puterii acustice (dBA)

IPuterea absorbită nominală (W) J Tip

[Serbian - Srpski]

Prema Uredbi komisije(EU) br. 665/2013 i br. 666/2013



CKlasa energetske efikasnosti

DGodišnja potrošnja električne energije (kWh/god)

EKlasa radnog učinka pri čišćenju tepiha

FKlasa radnog učinka pri čišćenju tvrdih podova

GKlasa reemisije prašine

HNivo zvučne snage (dBA)

INazivna ulazna snaga (W) J Tip

1)Consumul anual orientativ de energie (kWh/ an), calculat pe baza a 50 cicluri de curăţare. Consumul anual efectiv va depinde de modul în care este utilizat aparatul.

2)Măsurătorile pentru consumul de energie şi performanţă se bazează pe metodele din EN 60312-1 şi EN 60704.

1)Orijentaciona godišnja potrošnja električne energije (kWh/god.) izračunata na osnovu 50 čišćenja.

Stvarna godišnja potrošnja električne energije zavisiće od načina korišćenja uređaja.

2)Merenja potrošnje električne energije i učinka su zasnovana na metodama u EN 60312-1 i EN 60704.


PEBBLE.indd 4

2014. 8. 27. �� 11:13

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Samsung VCC54F5V3R/XEP, VCC52E6V36/XEO, VCC52E5V3O/XEH manual Serbian Srpski Prema Uredbi komisijeEU br /2013 i br /2013

VCC52E5V36/XEH, VCC52E0V3O/XEG, VCC52E0V3B/XEH, VCC54F5V3R/XEH, VCC52E5V3O/BOL specifications

Samsung has consistently pushed the boundaries of technology, especially in the realm of vacuum cleaners. Among their popular models are the VCC52E6V36/XSB, VCC52E5V3O/XSB, VCC52E5V36/BOL, VCC5255V3P/XSB, and VCC52E5V3O/XEH, each tailored to meet diverse cleaning needs with advanced features and innovative technologies.

The VCC52E6V36/XSB is renowned for its powerful suction capability, making it an ideal choice for homes with pets or heavy foot traffic. It employs Samsung’s Cyclone technology, which efficiently separates dirt and debris from the airflow, ensuring consistent suction power without clogging. This model also comes equipped with a HEPA filter that captures fine particles, thereby enhancing indoor air quality.

On the other hand, the VCC52E5V3O/XSB emphasizes user comfort and versatility. It features an ergonomic design, ensuring ease of use during longer cleaning sessions. The lightweight structure and 360-degree swivel head allow users to navigate around furniture and tight spaces effortlessly. This model also incorporates a bagless dustbin, making it easier to empty and maintain, while its washable filters contribute to cost efficiency.

The VCC52E5V36/BOL stands out with its Smart Technology integration, allowing users to monitor performance via a smartphone app. This functionality lets users track battery life, filter status, and even receive cleaning tips tailored to their specific environment. With its robust build quality, this model is designed for longevity and durability.

For those looking for a more compact option, the VCC5255V3P/XSB offers a sleek design without compromising on performance. Its compact size makes it perfect for smaller living spaces, while still delivering powerful suction. The intuitive controls make it user-friendly, and its multi-surfacing capability ensures that it can seamlessly transition between carpets and hard floors.

Lastly, the VCC52E5V3O/XEH integrates quiet operation technology, reducing noise levels significantly when in use. This makes it a great choice for households with children or working professionals who need to clean without disruption.

In summary, Samsung's range of vacuum models, including the VCC52E6V36/XSB, VCC52E5V3O/XSB, VCC52E5V36/BOL, VCC5255V3P/XSB, and VCC52E5V3O/XEH, showcase a remarkable blend of technology, design, and functionality, catering to various cleaning needs and preferences. With features like powerful suction, ergonomic design, smart technology integration, and noise reduction capabilities, these vacuum cleaners are a testament to Samsung's commitment to enhancing the everyday cleaning experience.