1.Ødòmiai perskaitykite visas instrukcijas. Prieš ∞jungdami siurbl, sitikinkite, kad jûsð elektros tiekimas atitinka maitinimo tampà, kuri yra nurodyta ant siurblio dugno esanãioje duomenð lentelòje.

2.ØSPñJIMAS: Nesinaudokite vakuuminiu siurbliu, kai kilimas arba grindys yra šlapi. Nenaudokite jo siurbti vandeniui.

3.Btina atidi atsakingo žmogaus priežira, užtikrinanti, kad siurblys naudojamas saugiai, kai prietaisà naudoja vaikai, arba ligoti žmonòs.

Neleiskite siurblio naudoti kaip žaislo.

4.Vakuuminio siurblio nenaudokite be dulkið surinkimo maišelio. Kad siurblys veiktð efektyviai, dulkið surinkimo maišel∞ keiskite prieš jam prisipildant.

5.Vakuuminio siurblio nenaudokite noròdami susiurbti degtukus, žòruojanãius pelenus ar cigareãið nuorkas. Vakuumin∞ siurbl∞ laikykite toliau nuo viryklið ir kitð šilumos šaltinið. Nuo karšãio plastmasinòs prietaiso dalys gali deformuotis arba prarasti spalvà.

6.Venkite kietð ir aštrið daiktð susiurbimo vakuuminiu siurbliu, nes jie gali pažeisti siurblio detales. Neprispauskite žarnos sujungimo vietos. Nedòkite ant žarnos sunkið daiktð. Neužblokuokite ∞siurbimo ir oro išmetimo angð.

7.Prieš vakuuminio siurblio laidà išjungiant iš elektros lizdo, išjunkite siurbl∞. Traukdami kištukà iš elektros lizdo, nelaikykite suòm∏ už maitinimo laido. Prieš keisdami dulkið surinkimo maišel∞, visada atjunkite nuo elektros lizdo.

8.Prieš valydami ar atlikdami technin∏ apžirà, btinai ištraukite kištukà iš elek- tros lizdo.

9.Nerekomenduojama naudoti ilgintuvo.

10.Jei jsð vakuuminis siurblys neveikia taip, kaip turòtð, atjunkite j∞ nuo elektros maitinimo tinklo ir kreipkitòs ∞ ∞galiotà aptarnavimo centro atstovà.

11.Nebandykite pakeisti pažeisto elektros maitinimo laido. Maitinimo laidus gali pakeisti tik gamintojas arba kvalifikuotas aptarnavimo centro darbuotojas. Bandydami keisti laidà savarankiškai galite rimtai susižeisti.

12.Šis dulkið siurblys turi savaime nusistatant∞ šilumin∞ automatin∞ išjungikl∞. Perkaitæs prietaisas pats išsijungia. Siurblys gali perkaisti dòl užsikimšusio filtro, antgalio, vamzdžio ar žarnos. Pašalinus perkaitimo priežast∞ ir leidus varikliui atvòsti, vakuuminis siurblys automatiškai ∞sijungs.


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Samsung VCC7295H3O/XSB, VCC7294H3G/XSB, VCC7294H3G/SBW, VCC7295H3O/SBW manual Svarbios Saugumo TAISYKLñS

VCC7295H3O/XSB, VCC7294H3G/SBW, VCC7295H3O/SBW, VCC7294H3G/XSB specifications

The Samsung VCC7294H3G/XSB, VCC7295H3O/SBW, VCC7294H3G/SBW, and VCC7295H3O/XSB are part of Samsung's advanced line of vacuum cleaner technology that showcases innovation in home cleaning solutions. These models are designed for optimal performance and user convenience, making them ideal for modern households.

A key feature of these vacuum models is their powerful suction capabilities, which utilize advanced digital inverter motors that provide an efficient and robust cleaning experience. These motors ensure that dirt, dust, and allergens are effectively removed from various surfaces, including carpets, hardwood floors, and tiles. Additionally, the suction power can be easily adjusted, enabling users to switch between modes suitable for different cleaning tasks.

Another notable characteristic is the incorporation of Samsung's HEPA filtration system. This technology captures 99.97% of dust particles, allergens, and pollutants as tiny as 0.3 microns, promoting a healthier indoor environment. This is particularly beneficial for allergy sufferers or households with pets.

The design of these models is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Compact and lightweight, they are engineered for ease of maneuverability while providing substantial cleaning capacity. The ergonomic handle enhances user comfort during extended cleaning sessions, reducing fatigue.

One of the standout features is the Smart Technology integration, which allows for smart connectivity via the Samsung SmartThings app. Users can monitor cleaning schedules, receive maintenance alerts, and even control the vacuum remotely, making it more convenient than ever to keep homes clean.

Moreover, these vacuum models are equipped with various attachments and brushes tailored for different surfaces and cleaning demands, making them highly versatile. From crevice tools for tight spaces to motorized brushes for deep cleaning carpets, these attachments enhance the overall cleaning efficiency.

Durability and energy efficiency are further highlights of the VCC7294H3G/XSB, VCC7295H3O/SBW, VCC7294H3G/SBW, and VCC7295H3O/XSB models. Designed to withstand regular use while consuming less energy, they provide both performance and sustainability.

In conclusion, Samsung's VCC7294H3G/XSB, VCC7295H3O/SBW, VCC7294H3G/SBW, and VCC7295H3O/XSB vacuum cleaners combine cutting-edge technology, superior design, and user-friendly features, making them an excellent choice for achieving a cleaner, healthier home environment. Whether tackling tough pet hair, fine dust, or everyday messes, these vacuums lead the way in efficiency and effectiveness.