Fade In (Approx. 3 seconds)

recording options


You can give your recording a professional look by using special effects such as fade in at the beginning of a sequence or fade out at the end of a sequence.








Disables the function.


"In"As soon as you start recording, the fader will be executed.





"Out"When the recording is done, the fader will be executed.











"In-Out"When you start or stop recording, the fader will be executed accordingly.















Fade inPress the Recording start/stop button when "Fader" is set to "In".Recording starts with a dark screen and then the image and sound are faded in.Fade outPress the Recording start/stop button when "Fader" is set to "Out".Recording stops as the image and sound are faded out.Fade in-out

Press the Recording start/stop button when "Fader" is set to "In-Out". Recording starts with a dark screen and then the image and sound are faded in. And recording stops as the image and sound are

faded out.

Fade Out (Approx. 3 seconds)
