To add a photo to the screen saver list

To listen to music while viewing your photo


Select a photo file that you want to add to the screen saver list.


Tap [ ] while viewing a photo.

The photo option menu appears.

Tap [ ] to select <Add to Screen Saver> and then tap [ ].

The selected photo file is added to the list.

Tap [ ] while viewing a photo.

The photo option menu appears.

You can listen to the song that you last played while viewing your photo.


Tap [ ] to select <Background Music On> or <Background

Music Off>.

<Background Music On> : You can listen to the song that you last
played while viewing your photo.
<Background Music Off> : No background music is played while
viewing a photo.
Using the Photo Option Menu
Photo Viewing
Background Mu
Add to Screen S
Background Mu
Add to Screen S
Select <Photo> from <Settings>
<Screen Saver> and the selected photo is
displayed on the screen as a screen saver.
page 45
If you reset the player, the screen saver will be initialized to <Analog Clock>.