
Pfiístroj, ke kterému patfií tento návod k obsluze, je licencován podle urãit˘ch práv o du‰evním vlastnictví urãit˘ch tfietích stran. Licence je omezena na osobní, nekomerãní pouÏití koncov˘m zákazníkem. Neobsahuje Ïádná práva pro komerãní pouÏití.

Licence nepokr˘vá Ïádn˘ jin˘ v˘robek neÏ tento pfiehrávaã, a nelze ji roz‰ífiit na Ïádn˘ nelicencov- an˘ pfiehrávaã nebo proces odpovídající ISO/IEC 11172-3 nebo ISO/IEC 13818-3, pouÏívan˘ nebo prodávan˘ v kombinaci s tímto pfiehrávaãem. Licence zahrnuje pouze pouÏití tohoto v˘robku (pfiehrávaãe) pro kódování anebo dekódování audio souborÛ odpovídajících ISO/IEC 11172-3 nebo ISO/IEC 13818-3. Touto licencí nejsou zaruãena Ïádná práva na funkce v˘robku nebo funkce, které neodpovídají ISO/IEC 11172-3 nebo ISO/IEC 13818-3.


Tato znaãka zobrazená na produktu nebo v dokumentaci znamená, Ïe by tento v˘robek po skonãení své provozní Ïivotnosti nemûl b˘t dáván do spoleãného odpadu s bûÏn˘mi domácími odpadky.

Za úãelem ochrany Ïivotního prostfiedí a ochrany zdraví obyvatel pfied dÛsledky nefiízené likvidace domovního odpadu proveìte prosím odpovûdnou likvidaci a recyklaci tohoto spotfiebiãe v místû k tomu urãeném tak, aby mohly b˘t materiály z tohoto zafiízení opûtovnû vyuÏity.

UÏivatelé v domácnostech by se mûli obrátit buì na prodejce, u nûhoÏ tento v˘robek zakoupili, nebo na místní úfiady, kde získají podrobnosti o místû a zpÛsobu bezpeãné recyklace tohoto v˘robku s ohledem na Ïivotní prostfiedí.

UÏivatelé v kanceláfiích by se mûli obrátit na svého dodavatele a provûfiit body a podmínky kupní smlouvy.

Tento v˘robek by nemûl b˘t likvidován spoleãnû s ostatním komerãním odpadem.


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Samsung YP-K5JZB/XEH, YP-K5JQB/XEH, YP-K5JAB/XEH manual Licence, Pouze PRO Evropu

YP-K5JZB/XEH, YP-K5JAB/XEH, YP-K5JQB/XEH specifications

The Samsung YP-K5 series, which includes models like YP-K5JQB/XEH, YP-K5JAB/XEH, and YP-K5JZB/XEH, stands out as an innovative blend of portable audio technology and sleek design. Introduced during a time when digital media was rapidly evolving, these MP3 players captured the attention of consumers looking for both functionality and style.

One of the most notable features of the YP-K5 series is its unique design combined with advanced audio capabilities. The device boasts a stylish metallic finish, making it visually appealing while ensuring durability. The sleek, compact size allows users to carry it easily, making it a great companion for music lovers on the go.

The YP-K5 models are equipped with a robust audio engine, providing rich, clear sound quality that enhances the listening experience. With support for various audio formats, these players cater to diverse music libraries, allowing users to enjoy their favorite tracks without compromise. The integrated equalizer settings enable personalized sound tuning, letting users adjust audio output to their liking.

One of the standout features of the YP-K5 series is its innovative sliding speaker design. The built-in speaker discreetly slides out when needed, offering an unexpected yet powerful audio experience for shared listening. This feature sets the YP-K5 apart from traditional MP3 players, making it ideal for users who want to enjoy music both personally through headphones and socially with friends.

Storage capacity is another significant aspect of the YP-K5, with models featuring varying memory sizes to meet individual needs. This flexibility ensures that users can store a substantial amount of music or audio files, so they don't have to compromise on their playlist favorites.

Additionally, the YP-K5 series features a user-friendly interface, with a bright LCD display providing clear navigation. Users can easily browse through playlists and songs, making it simple to find the right track for any occasion. The battery life is also commendable, allowing for extended listening sessions without frequent recharging interruptions.

In conclusion, the Samsung YP-K5JQB/XEH, YP-K5JAB/XEH, and YP-K5JZB/XEH deliver a compelling mix of functionality, style, and sound quality. The distinctive design, impressive audio technologies, and practical features make these MP3 players a captivating choice for audiophiles and casual listeners alike. Whether for personal enjoyment or shared experiences, the YP-K5 series represents an exciting chapter in portable audio history.