ƒBrug af høretelefoner eller hovedtelefoner i lang tid kan medføre alvorlige ADVARSEL skader på din hørelse.

Hvis du udsættes for lyde højere end 85 dB i længere tid, kan det påvirke din hørelse i negativ retning. Jo højere lyden er, jo mere alvorligt skades din hørelse (en almindelig samtale er på 50 til 60 dB, og støjniveauet på en vej er omkring 80 dB).Det anbefales kraftigt, at du indstiller lydstyrken til medium (niveauet medium er som regel 2/3 af maksimum).

ƒHvis det ringer for dine ører, skal du skrue ned for lyden eller ophøre med at bruge høretelefoner eller hovedtelefoner.





ƒEfterlad ikke afspilleren i temperaturer over 35 °C, som f.eks. i en sauna eller en parkeret bil.

ƒUdsæt ikke afspilleren for overdreven kraft ved at tabe den.

ƒAnbring ikke tunge objekter oven på afspilleren.

ƒUndgå, at der kommer fremmedlegemer eller støv ind i produktet.

ƒAnbring ikke produktet tæt på magnetiske elementer.

ƒSørg for at sikkerhedskopiere vigtige data. Samsung er ikke ansvarlig for tab af data.

ƒBrug kun tilbehør, der leveres af eller er godkendt af Samsung.

ƒSprøjt ikke vand på produktet. Rens aldrig produktet med kemiske væsker, som f.eks. benzin eller fortynder, da dette kan medføre brand, elektrisk stød eller ødelægge overfladen.

ƒManglende overholdelse af disse instruktioner kan medføre fysiske skader eller beskadige afspilleren.

ƒNår du udskriver denne vejledning, anbefaler vi, at du udskriver i farver og markerer ”Tilpas til side” i udskriftsindstillingerne for bedre visning.

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The Samsung YP-S3 series, which includes models such as YP-S3JAB/XEE, YP-S3JQB/XEE, YP-S3JQR/XEE, YP-S3JQB/EDC, and YP-S3JQL/XEE, represents a remarkable entry into the portable media player market. Renowned for their sleek design and robust features, these models cater to music enthusiasts and casual listeners alike.

One of the standout features of the YP-S3 series is its compact and lightweight form factor, making it ideal for on-the-go use. The device fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and can easily be carried in a pocket or bag. The aesthetic appeal is accentuated by a vibrant color screen that enhances the user experience, allowing for easy navigation through menus and media.

In terms of audio quality, the YP-S3 players are equipped with advanced sound technologies. The devices support a variety of audio formats, including MP3, WMA, and OGG, ensuring compatibility with most music libraries. The inclusion of an equalizer allows users to customize their listening experience by adjusting bass, treble, and mid-range frequencies according to their preferences.

The battery life of the YP-S3 series is impressive, providing hours of playback on a single charge. This longevity is complemented by a simple charging process, offering convenience for users who are constantly on the move.

Another significant aspect of the YP-S3 models is their storage capabilities. With options for built-in memory, users can store thousands of songs without the need for additional devices or cloud services. The models also feature a USB interface, facilitating easy transfer of files from a computer.

Additionally, the YP-S3 players often come with built-in FM radio, which allows users to tune into their favorite stations while on the go. This feature adds another dimension of versatility, catering not only to music lovers but also to those who enjoy talk shows or radio dramas.

In summary, the Samsung YP-S3 series, including the YP-S3JAB/XEE, YP-S3JQB/XEE, YP-S3JQR/XEE, YP-S3JQB/EDC, and YP-S3JQL/XEE, combines portability, superior sound quality, extensive storage, and user-friendly features. These characteristics make them an excellent choice for anyone seeking a portable media solution that excels in performance and style. Whether you're commuting, working out, or relaxing at home, the YP-S3 series ensures a satisfying and enjoyable listening experience.