Samsung YPT5V2/ELS manual Using the removable storagePC, Downloading/Uploading files, Formatting


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Using the removable storage(PC)

I Downloading/Uploading files

1 Connect the player to your PC.

2 Open Windows Explorer on PC.

Removable Disc is displayed in Windows Explorer.

3 Select the file to save and drag-and-drop it into the removable disc icon. (In numerical, alphabetical order)

Using the removable storage(PC)

2 Select the USB device, and


then press the [Stop]


button. When the



[Stop a Hardware device]

message appears, press



the [OK] button and


disconnect the USB cable.



-The “WRITING/READING” message will appear during file download or upload. Disconnecting the USB cable while “WRITING/READING” is displayed may cause malfunction of the unit.

-The order of music files is not relative to the replay order when you select a Removable Disc in Windows Explorer.

I Disconnecting the USB cable

After completing the file transfer, you must disconnect the cable in the following way:

1 Double-click on the green arrow in the taskbar on the bottom right of the window.


1Select the removable disc icon and click the right mouse button to select [Format].

2 Press the [Start] button.

All saved files will be formatted.

You can change the name of removable disc by selecting [Volume label].



-By formatting, all previously preset menus will be initialized.

-Care must be taken as formatted files can not be recovered.


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Samsung YPT5V2/ELS Using the removable storagePC, Downloading/Uploading files, Disconnecting the USB cable, Formatting