Cancelling Alarm Setting
Alarm functions can be cancelled:
Select alarm system 1 or 2 by pressing the alarm button [14] or [15].
Display will blink with selected alarm
Press alarm set button [16]
Display will blink showing selected alarm hour and alarm mode
and beep
Press alarm Mode button [20] one or two times (depending if you
were in the alarm radio or alarm buzzer mode) till display blinks.
Press alarm 1 or 2 button again to confirm alarm cancellation.
The symbol will stay on the display for about 2 seconds
and disappear.
You may also select days you wish to be or not to be woken after
pressing the Set button while display is blinking. Press 1-7
(Sunday-Saturday) of button [19] to make a selection.
SNOOZE CONTROLPressing the Snooze button [19] interrupts the radio or beep tone/
HWS alarm for 5 minutes. The alarm will start up after 5 minutes and
will continue unless interrupted again. The alarm will continue for 1
hour if not interrupted.
CANCELLING THE ALARM SIGNALTo cancel an alarm totally it is only necessary to press power button