Information about Installed Software
Information about Installed Softwareexpat
Expat(Version 1.1). Copyright 1998, 1999 James Clark. All rights reserved.
•The software installed on this product includes the expat application soft-
ware Version 1.1 (hereinafter "expat 1.1").
•The product manufacturer has not made any modification to the source code
of the expat 1.1.
•The product manufacturer provides warranty and support to the software of
the product including the expat 1.1 and the product manufacturer makes Mr.
James Clark, the initial developer of the expat 1.1, free from these obligations.
•The expat 1.1 is made available under Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
(hereinafter "MPL 1.1"), and controller software of the product equals the
Larger Work as defined in MPL 1.1. The software of this product except the
expat 1.1 is licensed to the product manufacturer under separate agree-
•The source code of the expat 1.1 is available at:
•MPL 1.1 is also available at:
•Information relating to the expat 1.1 is available at:
•The software installed on this product is based in part on the work of the In-
dependent JPEG Group.