the screen will show PrINt resuLts and a NO or Yes option. to 14.
change the print results choice, press the FOrWard or BaCK button.
Once the correct option has been selected, press eNter and the
tester will print the results of the test or it will go back to the rst screen,
depending on which option was chosen. NOte: If you select the Yes to
print; after you’ve printed the number of copies you need, you select NO
to return to the rst screen.
remove the clamps from the battery posts after the completion to end the 15.
Hook the tester up to a vehicle battery.1.
the tester defaults to the BatterY test display. Press the FOrWard 2.
button twice to get to the LaNGuaGe seLeCt display.
Press eNter and the display will show the language options. Press the 3.
FOrWard or BaCK buttons to select the language you want the tester to
Press eNter and the display returns to BatterY test.4.
TEST COUNTER (Displays total number of times tests are performed)
Hook the tester up to a vehicle battery.1.
the tester defaults to the BatterY test display. Press the FOrWard 2.
button three times to get to the test COuNter display.
Press eNter and the display will show the NuMBer OF tIMes tHe 3.
BatterY test Has BeeN ruN aNd tHe NuMBer OF tIMes tHe
sYsteM test Has BeeN ruN.
Press eNter and the display shows returN tO BatterY test. 4.
If you press the FOrWard or BaCK button you will get the options of
resetting the counter, printing the counter totals or returning to battery test
Hook the tester up to a vehicle battery.1.
the tester defaults to the BatterY test display. Press the FOrWard 2.
button four times to get to the CurreNt date/tIMe display.
Press eNter and the display will show the adJust Year. Press the 3.
FOrWard or BaCK buttons to change the setting.
Press eNter and the display will show the adJust MONtH. Press the 4.
FOrWard or BaCK buttons to change the setting.
Press eNter and the display will show the adJust daY. Press the 5.
FOrWard or BaCK buttons to change the setting.
Press eNter and the display will show the adJust HOur. Press the 6.
FOrWard or BaCK buttons to change the setting.
Press eNter and the display will show the adJust MINute. Press the 7.
FOrWard or BaCK buttons to change the setting.
Press eNter and the display will show the adJust seCONd. Press the 8.
FOrWard or BaCK buttons to change the setting.
Press eNter and the display returns to BatterY test.9.