14.1Store the charger unplugged, in an upright position. The cord will still conduct electricity until it is unplugged from the outlet.
14.2Store inside, in a cool, dry place (unless you’re using an
14.3Do not store the clips on the handle, clipped together, on or around metal, or clipped to cables.
14.4If the charger is moved around the shop or transported to another location, take care to avoid/prevent damage to the cords, clips and charger. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or property damage.
CONNECTED (red) light is | The battery is not connected | Check for poor connection to |
not on. | correctly. | battery and frame. Make sure |
(Models: |
| connection points are clean. |
| Rock clips back and forth for | |
| a better connection. |
CHECK (red) light is not on. | Connection to battery is | Correct connection. |
(Models: | reversed. |
and | The battery voltage is less | Replace the battery or try |
| ||
| than one volt. | using a manual charger to |
| bring above one volt. |
Indicator lights are lit in | A button may have been | Make sure nothing is touching |
an erratic manner, not | pressed while the charger was | the control panel, then unplug |
explained in the Operating | being plugged in. | the unit and plug it in again. |
Instructions. |
CONNECTED (red) light is | Charger in abort mode. | Reset the charger by |
blinking. | Battery may also be faulty. | unplugging it. Select the |
(Models: | This will happen if the battery | desired CHARGE RATE |
did not reach full charge within | and battery type again, if | |
| 48 hours. May be due to a | necessary. |
| very large battery or a bank |
| of batteries requiring more |
| power than the charger can |
| deliver in 48 hours. |
The CHARGED (green) | The battery may be fully | If the battery is in a vehicle, |
light turns on a few minutes | charged or recently charged, | turn the headlights on for |
or less after connecting the | leaving the battery voltage | a few minutes to reduce |
battery. | high enough to appear to be | the battery voltage and try |
| fully charged. | charging again. Also try |
| a lower CHARGE RATE |
| selection. |
| The battery may be faulty | A sulfated battery will |
| (sulfated). | eventually accept a charge. |
| Continue charging for a few |
| hours. The CHARGING |
| (yellow) LED will blink. If not, |
| have the battery checked or |
| call customer service. |
The measured current is | The charger reached the | No problem; this is a normal |
much lower than what was | maximum voltage and is | condition. |
selected. | reducing the current. |
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