SV35 Series SATA Product Manual, Rev. C 35
Note. Advanced Power Management (APM) and Automatic Acoustic Management (AAM) features are not supported
Note. See the bit descriptions below for words 63, 88, and 93 of the Identify Drive data.
83 Command sets supported 7C03H
84 Command sets support extension 4003H
85 Command sets enabled 30xxH
86 Command sets enabled 0001H
87 Command sets enable extension 4000H
88 Ultra DMA support and current mode (see note following this table) xx3FH
89 Security erase time 0000H
90 Enhanced security erase time 0000H
92 Master password revision code FFFEH
93 Hardware reset value
(see description following this table)
95–99 ATA-reserved 0000H
100–103 Total number of user-addressable LBA sectors available (see Section
2.2 for related information). These words are required for drives that
support the 48-bit addressing feature. Maximum value:
ST3500641SV = 976,773,168
ST3250824SV = 488,397,168
ST3160812SV = 312,581,808
104–127 ATA-reserved 0000H
128 Security status 0001H
129–159 Seagate-reserved xxxxH
160–254 ATA-reserved 0000H
255 Integrity word xxA5H
Description (if bit is set to 1)
Bit Word 63
0Multiword DMA mode 0 is supported.
1Multiword DMA mode 1 is supported.
2Multiword DMA mode 2 is supported.
8Multiword DMA mode 0 is currently active.
9Multiword DMA mode 1 is currently active.
Word Description Value