description 6 DFE 61 dimensions 34
disc rotation speed 10 drive 32
drive characteristics 10 drive failure 15
Drive Locking 37
drive mounting 34, 45 drive select 59
dual port support 47
description of connector 59 signal characteristics 60 specifications 21
electromagnetic compatibility 3 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 4 Electromagnetic Compatibility control Regulation 4 Electromagnetic compliance for the European Union
electromagnetic susceptibility 33 EMI requirements 3 encryption engine 36 encryption key 37 environment 44 environmental
limits 28 requirements 14
environmental control 32 EraseMaster 37
error management 39 rates 14
errors 39 European Union 4
FCC rules and regulations 3 features 7
interface 46
feed forward equalizer 61 FFE 61
FIPS 35 firmware 7
corruption 51 firmware download port 37 flawed sector reallocation 7
Format command execution time 11 front panel 34
complete, code 00 46
not supported, code 05 46
reject, code 04 46
Global Data Band 37 Good status 55 gradient 28, 29 ground shift noise 60 grounding 45
HDA 44, 45
head and disc assembly (HDA) 6 head and disc assembly. See HDA heads
read/write data 10 heat removal 44 heat source 44
host equipment 45
hot plugging the drive 15 humidity 29
humidity limits 28
Idle Read After Write 42 Idle1 21
Idle2 21
Idle3 21 inquiry data 52 installation 43
guide 5 interface
commands supported 48 error rate 14
errors 15 illustrated 56 physical 56 requirements 46
interleave minimum 11
intermediate/condition met/good status 55 intermediate/good status 55
internal data rate 10 internal defects/errors 39 internal drive characteristics 10 IRAW 42
jumpers 43
Korean Communications Commission 4
Korean KCC 4
64 | Constellation SAS Product Manual, Rev. E |