Word Description Value
Configuration information:
• Bit 15: 0 = ATA; 1 = ATAPI
• Bit 7: removable media
• Bit 6: removable controller
• Bit 0: reserved
1 Number of logical cylinders 16,383
2 ATA-reserved 0000H
3 Number of logical heads 16
4 Retired 0000H
5 Retired 0000H
6 Number of logical sectors per logical track: 63 003FH
7–9 Retired 0000H
10–19 Serial number: (20 ASCII characters, 0000H = none) ASCII
20 Retired 0000H
21 Retired 0400H
22 Obsolete 0000H
23–26 Firmware revision (8 ASCII character string, padded with blanks to end
of string)
27–46 Drive model number: (40 ASCII characters, padded with blanks to end
of string)
47 (Bits 7–0) Maximum sectors per interrupt on Read multiple and Write
multiple (16)
48 Reserved 0000H
49 Standard Standby timer, IORDY supported and may be disabled 2F00H
50 ATA-reserved 0000H
51 PIO data-transfer cycle timing mode 0200H
52 Retired 0200H
53 Words 54–58, 64–70 and 88 are valid 0007H
54 Number of current logical cylinders xxxxH
55 Number of current logical heads xxxxH
56 Number of current logical sectors per logical track xxxxH
57–58 Current capacity in sectors xxxxH
59 Number of sectors transferred during a Read Multiple or Write Multiple