
Laundry Aids and Uses
Use with detergentor snap for greasy soil when soaking or washing
Can producepoisonousgas resulting in serious death,
•Use to whiten clothes and to remove stains and odors when snaking or washing.
•Follow directions on care label of garment ,b Followdirections on b_eachpackage.
•Bleachis not a substitute for detergent Alwaysuse norrnatamount of detergent
,,Can be _sed with detergents, soaps and water conditioners
• Most effectiveduring last five minutes of wash
* Use in warm soak or hot wash
oSafe for all washablefabrics but check care instructions.
,* Can be used with detergents, soaps and water conditioners.
*Usewhen soaking or washingto removedirt and soil
,_ Can be used on atl types of fibers.
•Can be used with bleaches and water conditioners
•Use recommendedamounts suggested on detergent packages
•Can be used in any water
,, Pretreat stains and grease spots on labric before loading in washer.
•Use soft
,,Use hottestwater fabric will permit
•Dissolve detergentin smallamount of water before adding washlOad
•At the end of the cycle wipe out tub with a damp ctoth
•Use in deep rinse to soften bath towels, diapers, etc. and to reduce static electricity in synthetic fibers.
*Add to rinse to minimize wrinkling of permanent
press fabric.
•Help fabric repel lint.
Use in soak cycle or overnight to removetough dirt protein and some stains
Do not _our directly on fabrics
=Do not use in rinse cycle. Bteach must be rinsed. Do not use it there is iron in water TH_SWiLL CAUSEBROWNSTAIN.
•DO NOT USEON WOOL,SiLK OR SPANDEX Chlorinebleach will turn wool and silk yellow
and will damage the fibers, causing holes in fabric
•Concentrated, cNorine bleach will damage some fibers, even cause holes.
,,Do not use bleach with
,* Donot use in rinse
•Sbwer less effective
•If too little is used will cause fabric to become
yellow or gray Foflowpackage instructions for amount.
*Donot add fabric softeners GRAYISHGREASY
oDo not use morethan recommendedamount or excessive suds will result
• White streaksand powderyresiduemay
•Bright colors may becomefaded or masked
•Fabrics may becomestiff and hard
,,Whites may becomegrayed.
• Stain removal is morediflicult.
,,Flame retardantfinishes may becomeineffective
• Abrasion and linting may increase. Roughdeposits may coat the tub and interior components.
*Do not use with detergent or bleach GREASYCURD OR FABRICSTAINWILL RESULT Add only to rinse Do not use excessively
•Do not pour directly ontofabric Some may cause dark spots
•Seestain remova_directions
Can produce poisonousfumes resulting in serious
personal injury or death
=Do not use on
•Use on fresh stains, lightly soiled areas grease or oil stains on permanentpress
•See package directions.
•Use in soak and wash to removesoi! or fabric softener stain
•Use with bleach or water conditioners.
•Use in wash to reduceamount of detergent or soap require[t
•Must be usedwith soap to preventsoap curd in hard water
*Use in rinse to aid in removing soap Use 1 cup of conditioner at start of rinse fitl.
e Use with deter | and bleaches. |
•Must be used in snft water or with water conditioner to preventsoap curd
•Precipitating water conditioners such as washing soda, torn insoluble particles which may be _ift_c_tt to rinse out
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