Anagram Solver
Look for the right word using the same letters as the word you have entered.
1 Select “Anagram” and then press | Anagram | ▲ |
. | ▼ | |
| |
| E | . |
4You may continue to scroll through
the corresponding word list by using or .
5To clear the display and enter another
2Enter letters. Example: rail
3Press .
After the display “ Checking ...”, the first corresponding word will be displayed.
rail _
Checking . . .
aril ▼
word, press | . | ENTER LETTERS. |
*If the word or letters entered do not have any anagrams, the message “No anagrams found” will be displayed.
*The word list for the Anagram Solver can be selected between the Oxford Crossword Dictionary List of 250,000 words and the Spellchecker word list of over 118,000 words in the [Word List] of the SET mode.