The supplied hypoallergenic adhe-
sive tape allows you to addition-
ally fix the microphone boom to
the cheek.
왘Remove the white protective
foil (A).
왘Stick the adhesive tape (B)
over the microphone boom.
왘Remove the thin protective foil
(C) from the upper side of the
adhesive tape.
왘If necessary, apply make-up to
the adhesive tape.
Attaching the sound inlet basket (Ear Set 4 only)
왘Do not position the microphone directly in front of your mouth
as it will pick up your breathing and plosive noises from your
mouth. In addition, moisture can adversely affect the sound
and performance of your microphone.
왘When attaching the sound inlet
basket, make sure that it locks
into place with an audible click.
왘Make sure you do not cover the
sound inlet.
2 cm