Theater stages: | Less room resonance | Excellent rejection |
lying at the edge of | in contrast to free- | of rumble noise; if |
the stage and | standing | necessary, place |
directed towards the | microphones; | the microphone on |
stage; as spot | improved speech | a soft pad (e.g. |
microphone of the PA | intelligibility | mousepad). |
system or for |
monitoring purposes |
| If necessary, |
in the theater |
| combine with |
cloakrooms |
| overhead micro- |
| phones (e.g. |
| Sennheiser ME 36 |
| with MZH 30 B & |
| MZC 30) |
Grand piano / piano: | Very transparent and | Instrument is easy |
mounted to the | powerful sound; | to mike, even |
inside cover (= | stereo sound image | when the cover is |
can be shaped | closed; | |
surface) of the piano | individually, | excellent |
or lying in the | depending on | protection against |
instrument or on the | microphone position | crosstalk into |
floor underneath the | chosen | other microphone |
piano |
| channels and |
| reduced volume on |
| stage |
*) The cardioid