Windshield MZW 30

The foam-rubber-windshield

should be drawn over the sound

inlets of the mierophone when wind disturbanees are evident.

Largest diameter: 60 mm

Length: 80 mm. Reduetion of

wind disturbanee: approx. 20 dB.

Shock mount MZS 415

The shoek mount ean be eon-

neeted to all tripods, booms, ete. with 3/8" threads and prevents reeordings being disturbed by

footfall or other strong meehanie- al disturbanees.

Diameter: 35 mm.

Length: 80 mm.

Microphone clamp MZQ 415The elamp ean be fitted on tri-pods, booms ete. with 3/8" threads.
Swivel mount MZG 415

The swivel mount gives the possibility to use the desk stand together with the mierophone

elamp or the shoek mount for the MKH 106 T.

Desk stand MZT 441The MZT 441 is together with the swivel mount MZG 415 and

the mierophone elamp MZQ 415 or the shoek mount MZS 415 a stable desk stand for the

MKH 106 T.

Desk stand MZT 105-1

A stable and unobtrusive stand

for Studio use. It will aeeept the MKH 106,406, MKE 203, 403 and the MD 211. Mierophones are attaehed by pushing their Tuehel eonneetors into the plastie elamp.

Power supplies

Power unit MZN 16 T and T-U

For simultaneous powering of two mierophones. Conneetion

to 220 volt or 110 volt supplies. The unit ean be ineluded in the

mierophone eable at any point. Model T- U with Cannon eon-


Dimensions in mm:

168 x 120 x 50.

Auxiliary units

Transistor amplifier KAT 15-2

For the eonneetion of eondenser mierophones, or balaneed low- impedanee dynamie mierophones, to the line and aeeessory inputs respeetively, of the Nagra 111or Nagra IV. Seleeted funetions:

T = eondenser mierophones N = dynamie mierophones

A switehable footfall filter is in- eluded.

Dimensions in mm: 85x40x25.


Connecting cable KA 1 and KA 7

Tripie eonduetor sereened eable. Fitted with 3 pin eonneetors aeeording to DIN 41 524.

KA 1: 1.5 m long,

KA 7: 7.5 m long.

Connecting cable KAM 1-5For the eonneCtionof series 6mierophones to the "Mieroport" transmitters SK 1007, SK 1008and the SER 1. The mierophonesare powered from the trans- mitter.KAM 1-5: 1 m long.



The aeeessories given here are suitable for all Sennheiser transistor eondenser mierophones of the se ries 6 i. e. MKH 106 T, 406 T, 416 T and MKH 816 T.

Further general aeeessories e.g. tripods, booms, table stands ete. ean be found in our eatalogue "Sennheiser-revue".

Roll-oft-filter MZF 15

The roll-off-filter MZF 15 should

be ineluded only between supply voltage souree and amplifier input.

Frequeney reduetion

at 50 Hz approx. 6 dB at25Hz~15dB

Dimensions in mm: 220 x 152.

Connecting cable KA 7-1

For use with all Sennheiser miero-

phones with the suffix U. The KA 7-1 is fitted on one end with

a Cannon female eonneetor, the other end is free for the eonnee-

tion of the neeessary plug. The eable is 7.5 meters long.

Battery adapters

BaUery adapter MZA 15 Can be eonneeted into the

mierophone line at any point. Fitted with 9 mereury eells Mallory RM 625, it provides a eontinuous operation for 50to 60 hours. The mereury eells ean be purehased in all shops with eater for the hard of hearing. To prevent an unneeessary diseharge of the batteries, the battery adapter should be unserewed from the mierophone when it is not in use. Dimensions in mm: 220 x 132.

BaUery adapter MZA 15-U Fitted with Cannon eonneetor

XLR-3-11 C and plug XLR-3-12 C

for use with the MKH-U types. Batteries as in MZA 15.

Special feature:lf the plug and eonneetor are eonneeted to-

gether the battery eondition is indieated by a built-in signal diode. To preventan unneeessa- ry diseharge of the batteries the battery adapter should be un-

serewed from the mierophone when it is in use.

Dimensions in mm: 220x152.