Important safety information
Notes on these
instructions for use
yPlease read these instructions carefully and completely
before using the microphone.
yMake these instructions easily accessible to all users at all
yAlways include these instructions when passing the
microphone on to third parties.
Before putting the
microphone into
yNever open the microphone. If devices are opened by
customers in breach of this instruction, the warranty
becomes null and void.
During operation yWater entering the housing of the microphone can cause a
short-circuit and damage the electronics. Protect the
microphone from wetness. Use only a slightly damp cloth to
clean the microphone.
yDo not expose the microphone to extreme temperatures
(normal operating temperatures: 10 °C to 35 °C).
After operation yUse the microphone with care and store it in a clean, dust-
free environment.
Intended use of the microphone
Intended use includes:
yhaving read these instructions, especially the chapter
“Important safety information” on page2,
yusing the microphone within the operating conditions and
limitations described in this instruction manual.
“Improper use” means using the microphone other than as
described in these instructions, or under operating conditions
which differ from those described herein.
MKH8020_515894_0607_SP6.book Seite 2 Montag, 23. Juli 2007 10:09 10