What to do if ...
... the volume is up but you 왘There is no audio signal available. Check the transmitter
cannot hear anything: connection. Is the volume at the headphone socket of your
hi-fi system or TV sufficient?
왘Are you still within the transmitter’s range?
왘Is the receiver on the same frequency as
the transmitter?
... the sound is distorted: 왘The headphone accuplug has gone flat, please
recharge it immediately.
... the sound is slightly noisy: 왘You are about to leave the transmitter’s maximum range.
Soon transmission will be interrupted completely.
... you can hear twittering 왘Two transmitters are interfering!
and chirping, and the sound Choose a different transmission channel.
is “squeezed”:
The following items are available to complement your system:
•BA 151 Rechargeable accuplug as a spare, for use when
the supplied accuplug is being recharged
•L 151 Charger for recharging additional BA 151
accuplugs (recommended when more than two
headphone receivers are used with one
•HDR 8 or HDR 8-9 Additional headphone receivers