Microphone heads
changing | |
overview | |
suitable ~ |
Modulation (input sensitivity/ adjusting the sensitivity) 21
Name (entering a name) 22
Offline operation (RF signal deactivated) 12
Online operation (RF signal activated) 12
Operating menu overview 17 using 18
Pilot tone activating/deactivating 26 transmission 26
Radio microphone
cleaning 28 switching on/off 12 synchronizing with receiver 27
Reset (resetting the settings in the operating menu) 26
RF Mute On/Off (activating/ deactivating the RF signal) 12
RF Power (adjusting the transmission power) 25
RF signal activating (online operation) 12 deactivating (during operation) 15 deactivating (offline operation) 12
Sensitivity (adjusting the input sensitivity) 20
Setting up |
transmission link |
| |
Software Revision (displaying the | ||
software revision) | 26 | |
Switching on/off |
Radio microphone |
Synchronizing (radio microphone/ receiver) 27
Transmission frequency
selecting (Frequency Preset) 21, 24
setting (Tune) | |
Transmission power, | |
optimizing |
Transmission range 14
Tune (setting the transmission frequencies and frequency banks) 24
Unlock (deactivating the lock mode) 14
Using |
operating menu | |
radio microphone |