The definition of each Rank is as follows and also noted in the list
A : Parts necessary to be stocked as High usage parts.
B : Parts necessary to be stocked as Standard usage parts.
C : Low usage parts.
D : Parts necessary for refurbish.
E : Unit parts recommended to be stocked for efficient after sales service.
Please note that the lead time for the said parts may be longer than normal parts.
S : Consumable parts.
Please note that the following parts used in Copier under the same description are classified into A or B Rank depending
upon the place used.
Example: Gear made of Metal, Sprocket, Bearing, Belt made of Rubber, Spring clutch mechanism.
A Rank : The parts which may be with the revolution or loading.
B Rank : Parts similar to A Rank parts, but are not included in Rank A.
Because parts marked with "!" is indispensable for the machine safety maintenance and operation, it must be replaced with
the parts specific to the product specification.
FOther than this Parts Guide, please refer to documents Service Manual (including Circuit Diagram) of this model.
FPlease use the 13 digit code described in the right hand corner of front cover of the document, when you place an order.
FFor U.S. only-Use order codes provided in advertising literature. Do not order from parts department.
[Note] ∗ These parts are supplied by SMF.
5GCAB-0940FCZ2 BA N D Paper exit tray exterior
11 HPNLC0243FCZ1 AP N D Operation cabinet
CPNLH0020QS12 AK N D Model panel M350 [ARM350]
CPNLH0020QS13 AK N D Model panel M450 [ARM450]
CPNLH0020QS22 AK N D Model panel 350M [AR350M]
CPNLH0020QS23 AK N D Model panel 450M [AR450M]
12 Controller BOX unitNO. PARTS CODE PRICE
25 LX-BZ0921FCZ1 AE N C Scanner Screw
26 XBPSD26P06000 AA C Screw (2.6×6)
35 LPLTM5765FCZ1 AH N C Control joint plate
37 PCOVP1560FCZZ AC N C FAX I/F cover
38 PCOVP1557FCZZ AC C LAN/option cover
47 XBPSD30P06000 AA CScrew (3×6)
50 XHBSE30P06000 AA CScrew (3×6)
51 XBBSD30P06000 AA CScrew (3×6)
54 VHI28F322L01F BE N B MFP flash ROM A J (28F322L01F) [Japan]
VHI28F322L03F BF N B MFP flash ROM A EX (28F322L03F) [except Japan]
55 VHI28F322L02F BF N B MFP flash ROM B J (28F322L02F) [Japan]
VHI28F322L04F BL N B MFP flash ROM B EX (28F322L04F) [except Japan]
56 LX-BZ0828FCZZ AD C Handle fixing screw
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