AUTOMATIC COOKING CHARTSuperSteam Convection Menu Guide
[ Utensils ]
Large Shallow Casserole dish
2 Baking trays
[ Ingredients for the Salmon Steak ]
4Salmon Steaks (Approx. 200 g each)
Juice of 1 Lemon
Black Pepper to taste
[ Ingredients for the Spinach Bake ]
Olive Oil to grease the dish
400g Defrosted Spinach, well drained
Salt and Pepper to taste
Nutmeg to season
500g Cooked Potatoes, peeled and sliced
150g Crème Fraîche
100ml Milk
Serves 4
[ Method ]
1. Wash and dry the salmon steaks. Sprinkle with lemon juice and
salt, if desired. Season with black pepper.
2. Place the salmon steaks on rack in baking tray. Place the baking
tray on upper position.
3. Lightly grease the large shallow casserole dish. Season the
spinach leaves with salt and pepper and mix well.
4. Spread 1/2 of the spinach covering the base of the large shallow
casserole dish, followed by layering 1/2 of the potato slices.
Continue the next layer by spreading the remaining spinach,
followed by layering the remaining potato slices.
5. Mix the Crème fraîche with the milk, season with salt and pepper
and pour over the vegetables. Season with nutmeg.
6. Place the large shallow casserole dish on another baking tray.
Place the baking tray on lower position.
7. Cook using 'SuperSteam Convection, AUTO, COMPLETE
8. After cooking, stand covered with aluminium foil for 5 minutes.
Salmon Steaks with Spinach and Potato Bake
[ Utensils ]
1 Baking tray
[ Ingredients for Chicken ]
3 tbsp Soy Sauce
3 tbsp White Wine
2 clovesGarlic, crushed
Black Pepper to taste
4Chicken Breasts
(Approx. 200g each)
4 tbsp Corn flour
[ Ingredients for the Mediterranean
roasted vegetables ]
75g Asparagus
1 tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper to taste
1 tsp Fresh Rosemary
200g Potatoes, cubed 2cm
1Onion, sliced
100g Tomatoes, quartered
100g Eggplant, sliced
1Yellow Capsicum, sliced
Serves 4
[ Method ]
1. In a large bowl, mix together the soy sauce, wine, garlic and
black pepper.
2. Add the chicken and marinate for 1hour.
3. Add the corn flour and mix together until the chicken pieces are
completely coated.
4. Trim the hard bottom of the asparagus and cut into 3 equal
amounts of approx. 4 cm length.
5. In a large bowl, combine the olive oil, salt, pepper and rosemary.
Add all vegetables and mix well
6. Place the vegetables directly into a baking tray, towards the
7. Place the chicken on the rack, towards the left, place rack into the
baking tray. Place the baking tray on upper position.
8. Cook using 'SuperSteam Convection, AUTO, COMPLETE
9. After cooking, stand covered with aluminium foil for 5 minutes.
Chicken Breasts with Mediterranean Style Roasted Vegetables
SCA AX1500J P30- 09.6.5, 11:33 AM36