Informatie over afvalverwerking van batterijen

De batterij die bij dit toestel geleverd wordt bevat sporen van Lood. Voor EU: De doorgestreepte vuilnisbak op wieltjes duidt aan dat de gebruikte batterijen niet mogen terechtkomen in het gewone huishoudelijke afval. Er bestaat een gescheiden ophaalsysteem voor deze gebruikte batterijen om eigen behandeling en recyclage volgens de wetgeving toe te laten. Gelieve de locale autoriteiten te contacteren voor de details van ophaling en recyclage.

Voor Zwitserland: De gebruikte batterij moet bij hetverkooppunt teruggebracht worden.

Voor andere niet EU landen: Gelieve contact op te nemen met uw locale autoriteiten voor de correcte methode van verwerking van de gebruikte batterijen.

Informação sobre Eliminação de Pilhas

A bateria fornecida com este produto contém traços de chumbo. Para a União Europeia: O contentor de rodas traçado significa que as baterias usadas não deverão ser colocadas junto com o lixo doméstico! Existe um sistema de separação próprio para baterias usadas, para permitir um tratamento e reciclagem própria de acordo com a legislação em vigor. Por favor contacte as autoridades locais para mais detalhes nos esquemas de recolha e reciclagem.

Para a Suíça: As baterias usadas deverão ser devolvidas ao ponto de venda.

Para os outros países fora da União Europeia: Por favor contacte a sua autoridade local para o método correcto de disposição das baterias usadas.

Tietoja paristojen hävittämisestä

Tämän tuotteen mukana oleva paristo/akku saattaa sisältää jäänteitä Lyijy.

EU-maat: Paristo/akku on merkitty yliviivatun roskasäiliön symbolilla, mikä tarkoittaa, että sitä ei saa hävittää kotitalouden yleisjätteiden kanssa. Paristoille/akuille on olemassa erillinen keräysjärjestelmä, joka helpottaa niiden asiamukaista käsittelyä ja lainmukaista kierrätystä. Ota yhteys kuntaviranomaisiin saadaksesi lisätietoa keräyksestä ja kierrätyksestä.

Sveitsi: Käytetyt paristot/akut palautetaan ostopaikkaan.

EU:n ulkopuoliset maat: Ota yhteys paikallisviranomaisiin saadaksesi lisätietoa voimassa olevista lajittelu- ja kierrätyssäädöksistä ja ohjeet käytetyn pariston/akun hävittämiseen.


Informacja na temat usuwania baterii

Bateria dostarczana z tym produktem zawiera śladowe ilości ołowiu. W krajach Unii Europejskiej: Przekreślony pojemnik na odpady oznacza, że zużytych baterii nie należy wyrzucać do pojemników z odpadami domowymi! Dla zużytych baterii istnieją oddzielne systemy zbiórki, które zapewnią prawidłowe przetwarzanie i odzysk zgodnie z obowłąizującym prawem. Szczegóy na temat systemów zbiórki otrzymają Państwo u lokalnych władz.

W Szwajcarii: Zużyte baterie można zwrócić w punkcie sprzedaży.

Kraje pozaunijne: W celu uzyskania szczegóowych informacji na temat prawidłowej metody pozbycia się zużytych baterii, proszę o kontakt z władzami lokalnymi.

Information on Battery Disposal

The battery supplied with this product contains traces of Lead.

For EU: The crossed-out wheeled bin implies that used batteries should not be put to the general household waste! There is a separate collection system for used batteries, to allow proper treatment and recycling in accordance with legislation. Please contact your local authority for details on the collection and recycling schemes.

For Switzerland: The used battery is to be returned to the selling point.

For other non-EU countries: Please contact your local authority for correct method of disposal of the used battery.


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Sharp DK-CL8PH(GR), DK-CL8PH(BK) Informatie over afvalverwerking van batterijen, Informação sobre Eliminação de Pilhas

DK-CL8PH(GR), DK-CL8PH(PK), DK-CL8PH(BK) specifications

The Sharp DK-CL8PH series offers an innovative and stylish solution for music enthusiasts seeking versatility and high-quality audio performance in a compact design. Available in three attractive color variations—Black (BK), Pink (PK), and Green (GR)—the DK-CL8PH is tailored for those looking to complement their decor while enjoying their favorite tunes.

One of the standout features of the DK-CL8PH series is its Bluetooth connectivity, allowing users to effortlessly stream music from their smartphones, tablets, or other Bluetooth-enabled devices. This wireless functionality enhances convenience, making it easy to play songs from popular streaming services or personal playlists without the hassle of tangled wires.

The DK-CL8PH also includes a built-in CD player, offering the option to enjoy physical media. This feature caters to traditionalists who cherish their CD collections but also appeals to those who appreciate the richness of sound that CDs can provide. Additionally, the device supports CD-R/RW playback, ensuring compatibility with various formats.

Another notable characteristic is the inclusion of a USB port, enabling users to charge their devices or play music directly from USB sticks. This flexibility extends the audio experience, allowing for a broader selection of music formats and the convenience of charging mobile devices on the go.

The sound quality of the DK-CL8PH series is commendable, thanks to its powerful speakers that deliver clear highs and rich lows. The device is engineered to create an immersive listening experience, whether one is enjoying a soft acoustic set or a high-energy pop playlist. Additionally, the unit features an equalizer with preset modes, allowing users to customize their audio experience based on personal preferences.

Design-wise, the DK-CL8PH is both modern and functional, with a user-friendly interface that includes an LCD display for easy navigation. Its compact size makes it an ideal addition to any room, whether it’s placed on a nightstand, desk, or shelf.

In conclusion, the Sharp DK-CL8PH series in Black, Pink, and Green seamlessly combines functionality, aesthetic appeal, and sound quality. With features like Bluetooth connectivity, a built-in CD player, USB support, and customizable sound settings, it stands out as an excellent choice for any music lover looking for a versatile audio solution.