About operation examples, please refer to the attached sheet. Refer to the number on the right of each title for use.
After reading this manual, store it in a convenient location for future reference.
Operational Notes
To ensure trouble-free operation, please observe the following points:
1.Do not carry the calculator in the back pocket of slacks or trousers.
2.Do not subject the calculator to extreme temperatures.
3.Do not drop it or apply excessive force.
4.Clean only with a soft, dry cloth.
5.Do not use or store the calculator where fluids can splash onto it.
♦Press the RESET switch only in the following cases:
•When using for the first time
•After replacing the batteries
•To clear all memory contents
•When an abnormal condition occurs and all keys are inopera- tive.
If service should be required on this calculator, use only a SHARP servicing dealer, SHARP approved service facility, or SHARP re- pair service where available.
Hard Case
Equation | Symbol |
Display | |
Mantissa | Exponent |
(During actual use not all symbols are displayed at the same time.) If the value of mantissa does not fit within the range ±0.000000001
–±9999999999, the display changes to scientific notation. The display mode can be changed according to the purpose of the calculation.
/: Appears when the entire equation cannot be displayed. Press </>to see the remaining (hidden) section.
xy/rθ : Indicates the mode of expression of results in the com- plex calculation mode.
2ndF | : Appears when @is pressed, indicating that the func- |
| tions shown in orange are enabled. |
HYP | : Indicates that hhas been pressed and the hyperbolic |
| functions are enabled. If @ ®are pressed, the |
| symbols “2ndF HYP” appear, indicating that inverse hy- |
| perbolic functions are enabled. |
ALPHA: Indicates that @ K or O (R) has been pressed, and entry (recall) of memory contents and recall of statistics can be performed.
FIX/SCI/ENG: Indicates the notation used to display a value and changes each time @fare pressed.
DEG/RAD/GRAD: Indicates angular units and changes each time
Gis pressed.
STAT : Appears when statistics mode is selected.
M: Indicates that a numerical value is stored in the inde- pendent memory.
:Appears when the calculator shows the angle as a result in the complex calculation mode.
i: Indicates an imaginary number is being displayed in the complex calculation mode.
Selecting the Display Notation and Decimal Places
The calculator has four display notation systems for displaying calculation results. When FIX, SCI, or ENG symbol is displayed, the number of decimal places can be set to any value between 0 and 9. Displayed values will be reduced to the corresponding number of digits.
100000÷3= | ª100000/3= 33333.33333 |
[Floating point] |
→ | [FIXed decimal point] | @f | 33333.33333 |
[TAB set to 2] | @i2 | 33333.33 |
→ | [SCIentific notation] | @f | 3.33⋅ 104 |
→ | [ENGineering notation] | @f | 33.33⋅ 103 |
→ | [Floating point] | @f | 33333.33333 |
•If the value for floating point system does not fit in the following range, the calculator will display the result using scientific notation
0.000000001 ≤ x ≤ 9999999999
Determination of the Angular Unit
In this calculator, the following three angular units can be speci- fied.
DEG (° )
Press G
•Press @m0to select the normal mode.
•In each example, press ªto clear the display. And if the FIX, SCI, or ENG indicator is displayed, clear the indicator by press- ing @f.
•The closing parenthesis )just before =or ;may be omitted.
•In the constant calculations, the addend becomes a constant. Subtraction and division are performed in the same manner. For multiplication, the multiplicand becomes a constant.
•When performing calculations using constants, constants will be displayed as K.
•Refer to operation examples of each function.
•Before starting calculation, specify the angular unit.
•The results of inverse trigonometric functions are displayed within the following range:
| θ | = sin–1x, θ | = tan–1x | θ = cos–1x |
DEG | | –90 ≤ | θ | ≤ | 90 | 0 ≤ | θ | ≤ | 180 |
RAD | | π | θ | ≤ | π | 0 ≤ | | θ | ≤ π |
| – — ≤ | — | |
| | 2 | | | 2 | | | | |
GRAD | | –100 ≤ | θ | ≤ | 100 | 0 ≤ | θ | ≤ | 200 |
| | | | | | |
Differential/Integral Functions | | | | | (5) |
Differential and integral calculations are only available in the normal mode. For calculation conditions such as the x value in differential calculation or the initial point in integral calculation, only numerical values can be entered and equations such as 22 cannot be speci- fied. It is possible to reuse the same equation over and over again and to recalculate by only changing the conditions without re-enter- ing the equation.
•When performing a calculation, the value stored in the X memory will be cleared.
•When performing a differential calculation, enter formula first and then enter x value in differential calculation and minute
interval (dx). If a numerical value is not specified for minute interval, x≠ 0 will be x⋅ 10–4and x=0 will be 10–4from the value of the numeric derivative.
•When performing a integral calculation, enter formula first and then enter a range of integral (a, b) and subintervals (n). If a numerical value is not specified for subintervals, calculation will be performed using n=100.
Since differential and integral calculations are performed based on the following equations, correct results may not be obtained, in certain rare cases, when performing special calculations which contain discontinuous points.
Integral calculation (Simpson’s rule):
1 | | | b – a |
S=— h{ƒ (a)+4{ƒ (a+h)+ƒ (a+3h)+······+ƒ (a+(N–1)h)} | |
3 | | h= | | | |
N | |
| | | |
+2{ƒ (a+2h)+ƒ (a+4h)+······+ƒ (a+(N–2)h)}+f(b)} | | N=2n | | |
| | |
| | a ≤ x ≤ | b |
Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal Operations
This calculator can perform conversions between numbers ex- pressed in binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal systems. It can also perform the four basic arithmetic operations, calculations with parentheses and memory calculations using binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal numbers. In addition, the calculator can carry out the logical operations AND, OR, NOT, NEG, XOR and XNOR on binary, octal and hexadecimal numbers.
Conversion to each system is performed by the following keys: @ê: Converts to the binary system.
” appears. @î: Converts to the octal system.
” appears. @ì: Converts to the hexadecimal system.
” appears.
@í: Converts to the decimal system. ”, ”, and ” disappear from the display.
Conversion is performed on the displayed value when these keys are pressed.
Note: In this calculator, the hexadecimal numbers A – F are entered
by pressing µ, Ñ, É, é, ç, and å,
and displayed as follows:
A → ï, B → ∫, C → ó, D → ò, E → ô, F → ö
In the binary, octal, and hexadecimal systems, fractional parts can- not be entered. When a decimal number having a fractional part is converted into a binary, octal, or hexadecimal number, the fractional part will be truncated. Likewise, when the result of a binary, octal, or hexadecimal calculation includes a fractional part, the fractional part will be truncated. In the binary, octal, and hexadecimal systems, negative numbers are displayed as a complement.
Time, Decimal and Sexagesimal Calculations | (11) |
Conversion between decimal and sexagesimal numbers can be performed. In addition, the four basic arithmetic operations and memory calculations can be carried out using the sexagesimal system.
Coordinate Conversions | (12) |
• Before performing a calculation, select the angular unit.
Y | | P (x,y) | Y | | P (r,θ ) |
y | | ↔ | |
| | | r |
| | | | |
0 | | X | 0 | θ | X |
x | |
Rectangular coord. | Polar coord. |
•The calculation result is automatically stored in memories X and Y.
Value of r or x: X memory
Value of θ or y: Y memory
In this calculator, all calculation results are internally obtained in scientific notation with up to 12 digits for the mantissa. However, since calculation results are displayed in the form designated by the display notation and the number of decimal places indicated, the internal calculation result may differ from that shown in the display. By using the modify function, the internal value is con- verted to match that of the display, so that the displayed value can be used without change in subsequent operations.
To carry out addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division using com- plex numbers, press @m1to select the complex number mode.
There are two modes of expression of the results of complex number
Rectangular coordinate mode. (xy appears on the display.)
Polar coordinate mode. (rθ appears on the display.) @{
1Complex number entry
Rectangular coordinates x-coordinate+y-coordinateÜ
2or x-coordinate +Üy-coordinate
Polar coordinates r Öθ
r: absolute value
θ : argument
•Upon changing to another mode, the imaginary portion of any complex number stored in the independent memory (M) will be cleared.
•A complex number expressed in rectangular coordinates with the y-value equal to zero, or expressed in polar coordinates with the angle equal to zero, is treated as a real number.
An error will occur if an operation exceeds the calculation ranges, or if a mathematically illegal operation is attempted. When an error occurs, pressing <(or >) automatically moves the cursor back to the place in the equation where the error occurred. Edit the equation or press ªto clear the equation.
Error Codes and Error Types
Syntax error (Error 1):
•- An attempt was made to perform an invalid operation. Ex. 2 @{
Calculation error (Error 2):
•The absolute value of an intermediate or final calculation result equals or exceeds 10100.
•An attempt was made to divide by 0.
•The calculation ranges were exceeded while performing calculations.
Depth error (Error 3):
•The available number of buffers was exceeded. (There are 8 buffers* for numeric values and 16 buffers for calculation instructions). *4 buffers in STAT and the complex number mode.
Equation too long (Error 4):
•The equation exceeded its maximum input buffer (142 characters). An equation must be shorter than 142 characters.
Refer also to the operation examples sheet.
•Within the ranges specified, this calculator is accurate to ±1 in the least significant digit of the mantissa. When performing con- tinuous calculations (including chain calculations), errors accu- mulate leading to reduced accuracy.
•Calculation ranges
±10-99– ±9.999999999⋅ 1099 and 0.
If the absolute value of an entry or a final or intermediate result of a calculation is less than 10–99, the value is considered to be 0 in calculations and in the display.
Notes on Battery Replacement
Improper handling of batteries can cause electrolyte leakage or explosion. Be sure to observe the following handling rules:
•Replace both batteries at the same time.
•Do not mix new and old batteries.
•Make sure the new batteries are the correct type.
•When installing, orient each battery properly as indicated in the calculator.
When to Replace the Batteries
If the display has poor contrast or nothing appears on the display even when ªis pressed in dim lighting, it is time to replace the batteries.
•Keep batteries out of the reach of children.
•Exhausted batteries left in the calculator may leak and damage the calculator.
•Explosion risk may be caused by incorrect handling.
•Batteries must be replaced only with others of the same type.
•Do not throw batteries into a fire as they may explode.
Replacement Procedure
1.Turn the power off by pressing @F.
2.Remove two screws. (Fig. 1)
3.Slide the battery cover slightly and lift it to remove.
4.Remove the used batteries by prying them with a ball-point pen or other similar pointed device. (Fig. 2)
5.Install two new batteries. Make sure the “+” side facing up.
6.Replace the cover and screws.
7.Press the RESET switch (on the back).
•Make sure that the display appears as shown below. If the display does not appear as shown, remove the batteries reinstall them and check the display once again.
Editing the Equation
•Press <or >to move the cursor. You can also return to the equation after getting an answer by pressing >(<). See below for Multi-line playback function.
•If you need to delete a number, move the cursor to the number you wish to delete then press d.
The number under the cursor will be deleted.
•If you need to insert a number, move the cursor to the place immediately after where you wish to insert the number then enter the number.
Multi-line Playback function | (1) |
This calculator is equipped with a function to recall previous equa- tions. Equations also include calculation ending instructions such as “=” and a maximum of 142 characters can be stored in memory. When the memory is full, stored equations are deleted in the order of the oldest first. Pressing [will display the previous equation and the answer. Further pressing [will display preceding equa- tions (after returning to the previous equation, press ]to view equations in order). In addition, @[can be used to jump to the oldest equation.
•The multi-line memory is cleared by the following operations: @c, @F(including the Automatic Power Off fea- ture), mode change, RESET, @`, @?, constant calculation, differential/integral calculation, angle conversion/ change, N-base conversion, coordinate conversion, numerical value storage to the temporary memories and independent memory, and input/deletion of statistical data.
Priority Levels in Calculation
This calculator performs operations according to the following pri- ority:1
∠2Functions preceded by their argument (x-1, x2, n!, etc.) 3 Yx, x¿ 4Implied multiplication of a memory value (2Y, etc.) 5
unctions followed by their argument (sin, cos, etc.) 6Implied Fmultiplication of a function (2sin30, etc.) 7nCr, nPr 8⋅ , ÷ 9+, – AND GOR, XOR, XNOR H=, M+, M–, ⇒ M, DEG, RAD, GRAD, DATA, CD, → rθ , → xy and other calculation ending in-
•If parentheses are used, parenthesized calculations have prec- edence over any other calculations.
Mode Selection
Normal mode (NORMAL): @m0
Used to perform arithmetic operations and function calculations.
Complex number mode (CPLX): @m1
Used to perform arithmetic operations with complex numbers.
Statistic mode (STAT): @m2
Used to perform statistical calculations.
When executing mode selection, temporary memories, statistical data and last answer memory will be cleared even when reselecting the same mode.
Angular Unit Conversions | (6) |
Each time @g are pressed, the angular unit changes in sequence.
This calculator has 6 temporary memories (A-D, X and Y), one independent memory (M) and one last answer memory (ANS).
Mode | ANS | M | A-D, X,Y |
Normal | | | |
Complex | | | ⋅ |
Statistic | | ⋅ | ⋅ |
: Available | ⋅ : Unavailable | | |
[Temporary memories (A-D, X and Y)]
A stored value can be recalled as a value or variable for the use in equations.
•In case you store an infinite decimal in the memory, recall it as a variable to obtain accurate answers.
Ex.) 1 | /3 OY | (0.3333...is stored to Y) |
3 | *RY= | 0.999999999 |
3 *@KY= 1.
[Independent memory (M)]
In addition to all the features of temporary memories, a value can be added to or subtracted from an existing memory value.
[Last answer memory (ANS)]
The calculation result obtained by pressing = or any other calculation ending instruction is automatically stored in the last answer memory.
Calculation results from the functions indicated below are auto- matically stored in memories X or Y. For this reason, when using these functions, be careful with the use of memories X and Y.
•Random numbers .................. Y memory
•→ rθ , → xy ............................... X memory, Y memory
Temporary memories and last answer memory are cleared even when the same mode is reselected.
This calculator allows the previous calculation result to be used in the following calculation.
The previous calculation result will not be recalled after entering multiple instructions.
This calculator performs arithmetic operations and memory calcu- lations using a fraction, and conversion between a decimal number and a fraction.
•In all cases, a total of up to 10 digits including integer, numera- tor, denominator and the symbol (l) can be entered.
•If the number of digits to be displayed is greater than 10, the number is converted to and displayed as a decimal number.
•A decimal number, variable, or exponent cannot be used in a fraction.
Exponential regression, Logarithmic regression, Power regression, and Inverse regression calculation
Statistics of 1and 2. In addition, estimate of y for a given x and estimate of x for a given y. (Since the calculator converts each formula into a linear regression formula before actual calculation takes place, it obtains all statistics, except coefficients a and b, from converted data rather than entered data.)
Quadratic regression calculation | (17) |
Statistics of 1and 2and coefficients a, b, c in the quadratic regression formula (y = a + bx + cx2). (For quadratic regression calculations, no correlation coefficient (r) can be obtained.) When there are two x´ values, press @≠.
When performing calculations using a, b and c, only one numeric value can be held.
| x | Mean of samples (x data) |
1 | sx | Sample standard deviation (x data) |
| σ x | Population standard deviation (x data) |
| n | Number of samples |
| Σ x | Sum of samples (x data) |
| Σ x2 | Sum of squares of samples (x data) |
| y | Means of samples (y data) |
| sy | Sample standard deviation (y data) |
| σ y | Population standard deviation (y data) |
2 | Σ y | Sum of samples (y data) |
| Σ y2 | Sum of squares of samples (y data) |
| Σ xy | Sum of products of samples (x, y) |
| r | Correlation coefficient |
| a | Coefficient of regression equation |
| b | Coefficient of regression equation |
| c | Coefficient of quadratic regression equation |
| | |
Entered data are kept in memory until @cor @m
2are pressed. Before entering new data, clear the memory contents.
[Data Entry] Single-variable data
Data k
Data & frequency k (To enter multiples of the same data)
Two-variable data
Data x &Data y k
Data x &Data y &frequency k(To enter multiples of the same data x and y.)
[Data Correction]
Correction prior to pressing k: Delete incorrect data with ª.
Correction after pressing k:
Press >to confirm the latest entry and press @Jto delete it.
Statistical Calculation Formulas | (18) |
Refer also to the operation examples sheet.
Type | Regression formula |
Linear | y = a + bx |
Exponential | y = a • ebx |
Logarithmic | y = a + b • ln x |
Power | y = a • xb |
Inverse | 1 |
y = a + b — |
| x |
| |
Quadratic | y = a + bx + cx2 |
In the statistical calculation formulas, an error will occur when:
•the absolute value of the intermediate result or calculation result is equal to or greater than 1 ⋅ 10100.
•the denominator is zero.
•an attempt is made to take the square root of a negative number.
•no solution exists in the quadratic regression calculation.
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