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Giga set 4 010 Com fort , GBR , A310 08- G4010- B102- 1-7619 sms.fm 11.6.01

Changing the telephone number of an SMS


You can change the telephone number of the SMS cen-
tre for receiving/transmitting SMSs.
Please inform yourself about special features and serv-
ices offered by the SMS service provider before you
change the preset numbers.
OService Centr.1:
You can use the SMS centre number for sending
and receiving SMSs.
OService Centr.2:
In this field, you can enter the SMS centre number
of another provider whom you want to use in addi-
tion to your primary service provider for receiving
SMSs from the fixed network.
Open the menu.
Text Messa
eSelect the text message.
Service Centr.1 Select and confirm.
Service Centr.2 Select and confirm.
AOpen the menu.
6DYH Enter the telephone number of the SMS centre and
----------Text Message---------
Service Centr.1
Service Centr.2
You can edit a stored SMS centre number by
overwriting it.
The prefix digit must not be entered when con-
necting the Gigaset to a PABX.