Press keys:
Giga set 4 010 Com fort , GBR , A310 08- G4010- B102- 1-7619 mobilt_an.fm 11.6.01

Reg i s t e r i n g G i g a s e t 2 000 / 3 000 h a n d s e t s

and non-Siemens handsets at the

Gigaset 4010 base station

The non-Siemens handsets must also comply with the
GAP standard!
Step 1:
Register your handset according to its operating in-
After registration, your Siemens base station will allo-
cate the first unassigned internal number to the hand-
Step 2:
Underside of the base
stationG Hold down the key on the underside of the base station
longer than 1 second.
GAP Generic Access Profile = standard for
the interworking of handsets and base
stations of different manufacturers
Your Siemens handsets and base stations sup-
port GAP. You will find more information on
compatibility with previsous Gigaset 30xx
base stations and previous Gigaset 40xx
basesationsin a table on page 85.