Digit keys 2 to 9 can be used as speed dialling numbers for fast access. For available key assign- ments, see S .
In standby mode:
$Press digit key
g6HWg Press.
g606g press EULHIO\(if assigned
with e.g. ´606µ).
g(GLWg Scroll to application in the list.
Special case SKRQHQXP EHU. Select a name from the Phonebook for assignment to the key.
Special case ,QWHUQHW. Scroll to an URL in the bookmark list for assignment to the key.
g6HOHFWg Confirm setting.
Select a stored phone number or start a stored application (e.g. Games).
In standby mode:
The assignment of digit key 2 is displayed instead of the left soft key, e.g.:
g606g hold GRZQ
hold GRZQ.