2.9.9 IRQ Interrupts as FIQ Interrupt Sources
Interrupts from the IRQ interrupt can be placed on FIQ6 and FIQ7 können.
The interrupts of the FIQ interrupt controller are used for debugging, monitoring address area access, and for the
FIQ interrupts no. 4 and 5 are the interrupts for embedded ICE RT communication. The UART can also be used as a
debugger in place of the ICE. Effective real-time debugging is possible when the IRQ interrupt sources of the UART are
mapped to the FIQs with the number 6 or 7. This enables debugging of interrupt routines.
2.9.10 Interrupt Control Register
The interrupt control registers are used to specify all aspects of control, prioritization, and masking of the IRQ/FIQ
interrupt controllers.
ICU (Base Address 0x5000_0000)
Register Name Offset Address Address Area Access Default Description
IRVEC 0x0000 4 bytes R 0xFFFFFFFF Interrupt vector register
FIVEC 0x0004 4 bytes R 0xFFFFFFFF Fast interrupt vector register
LOCKREG 0x0008 4 bytes R/W 0x00000000 Priority lock register
FIQ1SREG 0x000C 4 bytes R/W 0x00000000 Fast int. request 1 select register
(FIQ6 on FIQ interrupt controller)
FIQ2SREG 0x0010 4 bytes R/W 0x00000000 Fast int. request 2 select register
(FIQ7 on FIQ interrupt controller)
IRQACK 0x0014 4 bytes R 0xFFFFFFFF Interrupt vector register with IRQ
FIQACK 0x0018 4 bytes R 0xFFFFFFFF Fast interrupt vector register with
FIQ acknowledge
IRCLVEC 0x001C 4 bytes W 0x---- Interrupt request clear vector
MASKALL 0x0020 4 bytes R/W 0x00000001 Mask for all interrupts
IRQEND 0x0024 4 bytes W 0x---- End of IRQ interrupt
FIQEND 0x0028 4 bytes W 0x---- End of FIQ interrupt
FIQPR0 0x002C 4 bytes R/W 0x00000007 FIQ priority register on input FIQ0
of the FIQ interrupt controller
FIQPR1 0x0030 4 bytes R/W 0x00000007 FIQ priority register on input FIQ1
of the FIQ interrupt controller
FIQPR2 0x0034 4 bytes R/W 0x00000007 FIQ priority register on input FIQ2
of the FIQ interrupt controller
FIQPR3 0x0038 4 bytes R/W 0x00000007 FIQ priority register on input FIQ3
of the FIQ interrupt controller
FIQPR4 0x003C 4 bytes R/W 0x00000007 FIQ priority register on input FIQ4
of the FIQ interrupt controller
FIQPR5 0x0040 4 bytes R/W 0x00000007 FIQ priority register on input FIQ5
of the FIQ interrupt controller
FIQPR6 0x0044 4 bytes R/W 0x00000007 FIQ priority register on input FIQ6
of the FIQ interrupt controller
FIQPR7 0x0048 4 bytes R/W 0x00000007 FIQ priority register on input FIQ7
of the FIQ interrupt controller
FIQISR 0x004C 4 bytes R 0x00000000 FIQ in-service register
FIQIRR 0x0050 4 bytes R 0x00000020 FIQ request register
FIQ_MASKREG 0x0054 4 bytes R/W 0x000000FF FIQ interrupt mask register
IRREG 0x0058 4 bytes R 0x000001xx Interrupt request register
MASKREG 0x005C 4 bytes R/W 0x0000FFFF Interrupt mask register
ISREG 0x0060 4 bytes R 0x00000000 In-service register
TRIGREG 0x0064 4 bytes R/W 0x00000000 Trigger select register
EDGEREG 0x0068 4 bytes R/W 0x00000000 Edge select register
SWIRREG 0x006C 4 bytes R/W 0x00000000 Software interrupt register
PRIOREG 0 0x0070 4 bytes R/W 0x0000000F Priority register 0
Copyright © Siemens AG 2007. All rights reserved. 26 ERTEC 200 Manual
Technical data subject to change Version 1.1.0