SSPIIR/SSPICR R/W Addr.: 0x4000_2214 Default: 0x0000
Description SPI interrupt identification register (read)
SPI interrupt clear register (write)
Bit No. Name Description
0 RIS (Read) SPI Receive FIFO service request interrupt status
0 = SSPRXINTR is not active
1 = SSPRXINTR is active
1 TIS (Read) SPI Transmit FIFO service request interrupt status
0 = SSPTXINTR is not active
1 = SSPTXINTR is active
2 RORIS (Read) SPI Receive FIFO overrun interrupt status
0 = SSPRORINTR is not active
1 = SSPRORINTR is active
15-3 ---------- (Read) Read: Reserved Value is undefined
15-0 ---------- (Write) Write: Receive overrun interrupt is deleted without check to determine
whether data are currently being written.
4.8 System control register
The system control registers are ERTEC 200-specific control registers that can be read and written to from the individual
AHB masters from the APB bus. For a listing of all system control registers and their address assignments as well as a
detailed description, refer to the following sections.
4.8.1 Address Assignment of System Control Registers
The system control registers are 32 bits in width.
System Control Registers (Base address 0x4000_2600)
Register Name Offset Address Address Area Access Default Description
ID_REG 0x0000 4 bytes R 0x40270100 ID ERTEC 200
BOOT_REG 0x0004 4 bytes R Boot-Pins Boot mode pins Boot[3:0]
SER_CFG_REG 0x0008 4 bytes R Config-Pins
ERTEC 200 config pins
RES_CTRL_REG 0x000C 4 bytes W/R 0x00000004 Control register for reset of
RES_STAT_REG 0x0010 4 bytes R 0x00000004 Status register for reset of
PLL_STAT_REG 0x0014 4 bytes R/W 0x00070005 Status register for PLL/FIQ3
QVZ_AHB_ADR 0x0028 4 bytes R 0x00000000 Address of incorrect addressing
on multilayer AHB
QVZ_AHB_CTRL 0x002C 4 bytes R 0x00000000 Control signals of incorrect
addressing on multilayer AHB
QVZ_AHB_M 0x0030 4 bytes R 0x00000000 Master detection of incorrect
addressing on multilayer AHB
QVZ_APB_ADR 0x0034 4 bytes R 0x00000000 Address of incorrect addressing
on AHB
QVZ_EMIF_ADR 0x0038 4 bytes R 0x00000000 Address that leads to timeout on
MEM_SWAP 0x0044 4 bytes R/W 0x00000000 Memory Swapping in Segment 0
on the AHB bus
M_LOCK_CTRL 0x004C 4 bytes R/W 0x00000000 AHB master lock enable. Master-
selective enable of AHB lock
ARM9_CTRL 0x0050 4 bytes R/W 0x00001939 Controller of ARM9 and ETM
ARM9_WE 0x0054 4 bytes R/W 0x00000000 Write protection register for
ERTEC 200_TAG 0x0058 4 bytes R 0x000101xx TAG number of current switching
PHY_CONFIG 0x005C 4 bytes R/W 0x00000000 PHY1/PHY2
Configuration registers
PHY_STATUS 0x0060 4 bytes R 0x00000000 PHY1/PHY2
Status registers
Copyright © Siemens AG 2007. All rights reserved. 58 ERTEC 200 Manual
Technical data subject to change Version 1.1.0