TC12 Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance Handbook
Number of Current Sensors
Number of phases (include vehicle, green arrow and pedestrian +___
Number of switched sign drives +___
Add one for each monitored load above 4A rms
current sen
ber of pedestrian phases with wait indicators +___
Number of separately monitored regulatory sign drives
Subtract one for each wait indicator to be monitored by the same
current sensor as the pedestrian phase
Subtract one for each pedestrian phase to be monitored by the same
sor as the opposing vehicle phase +___
Total current sensors
Number of Voltage Sensors
N o
Number o
N o
S r t cides with a green
co i r
Note: This is only applicable where Red Lamp Monitoring is not
S r t with a wait
co i r +___
Add one for each vehicle phase with Red Lamp Monitoring
F e o
Add one where the controller can enter flashing red/amber mode
N o ctive is available
A o
umber f phases (include vehicle, green arrow and pedestrian +___
f pedestrian phases with wait indicators
umber f switched sign drives.
ubt ac one for each phase green state which coin
nf rm eply available from the controller
ubt ac one for each wait indicator state that coincides
nf rm eply available from the controller
or xp rt lamp monitoring only:
ote: N t needed if a signal indicating flash mode a
rom the controller.
dd ne for each flashing amber signal group
Total voltage sensors
666/HE/43100/000 Page 84 Issue 9