The hood-fan should provide many
years of troub le fr ee ser vice
provided it is maintained properly.
Cleaning the Filter
Clean the grease filter either by
carefully hand washing (so as not to
damage the filte r des ign) o r,
pre fer abl y i n a di shwa she r.
Depending on use, the filters should
be cleaned at least every two weeks
in a dishwasher.
If a carbon filter has been fitted this
must be replaced at least every 6
months as a minimum. Depending
on cooking st yle and nature of
cooking (greasy foods, fry’s, curries
etc) would probably require more
frequent replac ement. If odors start
to manif est them selve s whe n
cooking, it’s time to replace the
carbon filter. We suggest you retain
a spare set. These can be ordered
from the supplier of your range
Cleaning the Hood
Cleaning of the internal parts should
be done with a clean dam p (not
excessively wet) cloth together with
regular household detergent. The
external stainless steel elements
should be cleaned with a good
quality foam ing st ainless steel
cleaner. Read the manufacturers
di re ct io ns . G en er al l y t he y
recomme nd that the foam be
sprayed onto a clean dry cloth and
then applied to the stainless steel.
Allow the foam to react on the sur-
face for a few minutes and then
wipe with a clean dry cloth.
M A I N T E N A N C E7
On the surfaces that are exposed
directly to heat from the cook-top, it
is advisable to clean these on a
regular basis, to avoid the marks
from becoming baked on.
Do not under any circumstances use
an abrasive type cleaner as this will
scratch and damage the stainless
steel finish.
Light Bulb Replacement
(If in doubt, call 866-528-4987)
Turn blower and lights off. Make
sure the lights are cool. Do not re-
move the entire fixture (socket) as
this is very difficult to reinstall.
Visually inspect the light fixture and
establish whether the unit has a
smooth or “toothed” metal ring.
If smooth remove
the glass block-
ing ring b y prying
out with a sharp,
soft instrument
such as a toothpick (refer to figure
17). Steel instrum ents will scratch
the surface. Be careful that the lens
does not fall out. If “toothed”, place
the tip of your finger between the
lens and the ring. Making your way
around the ring, gently pull
outwards until a
point is found
where the ring pulls
off (refer to figure
Replace the appropriate bulb. Check
parts brochur e or s pecificati on
sheets on our website. W ipe both
sides of the glass whilst it is out.
Figure 18
Figure 17