The location for the antenna must have an unobstructed view of the sky in the direction indicated for your area. (Figure 6)
For example, suppose you live in Area 2. You determined that your antenna will need to have a clear view of the sky facing North or Northeast. The exact direction is de- termined by your specific location in Area 2 relative to the X on the map: If you live in Texas, you will need a more Northerly facing clear view of the sky whereas if you live in southern California, you will need a more Northeast facing clear view of the sky.
Aimed Northeast |
Aimed Northerly | SOUTH |
| Figure 6 |
Once you have found a suitable location for the antenna, route the antenna cable to the Speaker Dock. Be sure you avoid any obstructions that could crimp, kink, or twist the cable. Use protective grommets wherever rough openings are encountered. If the antenna is installed outdoors, route the cable from the antenna location to the interior of the home, working the cable through the basement, under a window sill, etc., and make adjustments to take up cable slack as necessary. Connect the antenna cable to the antenna connector of the Speaker Dock. (Refer to Figure 1 on page 7.) Optional antenna extension cables are available if needed. (Refer to Optional Accessories on page 23.)