[ Menu Options ] 35
Time Zone
The Time Zone menu option is for changing the time zone of the receiver. Use the Chan-
nel Up/Down buttons to select the desired time zone and press the Select button to set
your choice. (Figure 13)
Time Zone
daylight Savings Time
The Daylight Savings Time menu option is for turning the Daylight Savings Time feature On
or Off. Use the Channel Up/Down buttons to select on or off and press the Select
button to set your choice. (Figure 14)
DST Observed
Jump Settings
The Jump menu option is used to select a city for Traffic and Weather reports when the
Jump button is pressed. Use the Channel Up/Down buttons to select a city and press
the Select button to set your choice. (Figure 15)
Choose Traffic
figure 13figure 13
figure 14figure 14
figure 15figure 15