WWhhaatt TToo DDoo ffoorr WWaarrrraannttyy SSeerrvviiccee
During the first thirty (30) days, a defective product is eligible for over-the-counter exchange at the retailer from
whom it was purchased. After thirty (30) days, the defective product should be returned to the authorized
service center. Please allow a minimum of 2-3 weeks for the return of your product. For the shipping
address of the authorized service center, call one of the telephone numbers given below.
Your product will be repaired or replaced if examination by the service center determines the product is defective.
Products received damaged as a result of shipping will require you to file a claim with the carrier prior to
repair. A product received with missing parts or with damage due to abuse, inadequate packing or some other
noncompliance with this limited warranty will be returned to you C.O.D., freight collect.
NOTE: A product received which was not made by XACT Communication or which is not defective as
determined by our test procedures will not be repaired and will be returned to you C.O.D., freight collect.
TToo OObbttaaiinn WWaarrrraannttyy SSeerrvviiccee
• Provide proof of the date of purchase within the package.
• Prepay all shipping costs to the authorized service center.
• Include a return shipping address within the package.
Please retain your sales receipt, the carton, the packing materials, and the printed material. The original
carton is the best shipping container for the Product should you have to return it.
FFoorr yyoouurr rreeffeerreennccee::
Model Number______________________________ SID/ESN Number_________________________
S/N Number_______________________________ Date of Purchase__________________________
Name of Dealer_____________________________
XACT Communication Customer Service Telephone Number:
1-866-466-XACT (9228)
Visit Us on the Web: www.getxact.com