To activate or deactivate the Timer:
1. During the standby mode, press [TIMER] once [show LCD].
2. Press [1 – 9] to select the desired timer, i.e. Enter [1] for Timer 1.
3. Press [TIMER] again to activate or deactivate the timer. If the Timer icon stays
on, the timer is activated. If the Timer icon is off, that timer is not activated.
BaTTErYWhen the operating range is reduced, the LCD backlight is dimmed, or the red LED
does not ash during operation, it is time to replace the battery.
The remote is powered by 2 AAA alkaline batteries. Follow the instructions below to
replace the batteries to the transmitter.
1. Slide out the battery door from the unit.
2. Remove the old battery. Insert 2 new AAA Alkaline batteries to the battery
compartment. Beware of the battery polarity.
3. Insert the battery door to the remote. The red LED on the front of the unit will
be on for 1 second and the LCD will turn on.
After replacing the batteries, please refer to the Section 3 “Set the Clock”, to set
the current time. There is no need to program the devices, zones, timers or scene
settings, these settings are stored in the memory without being affected by the
caution: Risk of explosion if battery is replaced by an incorrect type. Dispose of
used batteries according to the instructions.
cEDeclaration of Conformity
This equipment complies with the requirements relating to electromagnetic compat-
ibility, EN 300220-2, EN301489-3, EN61058-1, EN50371. This equipment conforms
to the essential requirement of the Directive (1999/5/EC) of the European Parlia-
ment and of the Council.