99-00496-00 REV A0 Projector Replacement Guide for the 2000i 11
Customer SupportSMART’s Technical Support team welcomes your call. However, you may want to contact your
local reseller first if you experience problems with any SMART product. SMART’s resellers can
readily provide you with quick advice so you can enjoy the benefits of your replacement projector
for the Rear Projection SMART Board 2000i interactive whiteboard without delay.
Contacting SMART Technical Support
All SMART software includes free telephone, fax and e-mail support. There are a number of ways to
contact SMART Technical Support:
Telephone: 1.866.518.6791 (toll-free in Canada/U.S.) or +1.403.228.5940 (all other countries)
(Available 7 a.m. − 6 p.m. Mountain Time from Monday to Friday)
Fax: +1.403.245.0366
E-mail: support@smarttech.com
Web site: www.smarttech.com
Other SMART Contacts
Main switchboard: 1.888.42.SMART (toll-free in Canada/U.S.) or +1.403.245.0333 (all other
Fax: +1.403.228.2500
E-mail: info@smarttech.com
Our address: SMART Technologies Inc.
Suite 600, 1177 − 11th Avenue SW
Calgary, AB CANADA T2R 1K9
Product Warranty
The replacement projector is covered by a two-year parts and labor warranty. Customers must
return any defective merchandise to an authorized service center as directed by the distributor,
dealer or manufacturer.
Warranty Shipping Charges
Shipping charges incurred from warranty service are paid as follows: You are responsible for
shipping the system to the service center. SMART pays return shipping via ground service on any
product returned for service within the warranty period. If you request a rush order, any associated
charges are billed to you. Following the warranty period, the customer is responsible for shipping
the product to and from the service center. Read the warranty shipped with your projector for