FCC Warning
This device complies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Operatio n is subject to the followin g two conditions: (1) this device m ay not
cause harmful interfere nce, and (2) this device mus t accept any interfere nce received, including i nterference that may c ause
undesired operation.
This equipment has been te sted and found to comply wi th the limits for a Class B digi tal device, pursuant to Pa rt 15 of FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generate s, uses and can radiate rad io frequency energ y and, if not installed an d used in accordance with th e
instructions, may cau se harmful interfere nce to radio communication s. However, there is no guarant ee that interference wi ll
not occur in a particular inst allation.
You can determine whether the equipment is causing interference by disconnecting it from your computer. If the interference
stops, it was probably cau sed by the equipment.
If the equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, you may be able to correct the interference by using
one or more of the following measu res:
Rotate the television or radio antenna until the interference stops.
Move the equipment farther a way from the television or ra dio.
Plug the equipment and computer into an outlet that is on a different circuit from the television or radio.
If necessary, consult SM ART Technologies ULC or an exp erienced radio/te levision technician for h elp.
Changes or modifications t o this product not autho rized by SMART Technologies U LC could void the FCC Certifi cation and
negate your authority to operate the product.
Tradema rk Not ice
The SMART logo and smart tech are trademarks o r registered trademar ks of SMART Technologie s ULC in the U.S. and/or othe r
countries. Windows is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corpo ration in the U.S. and/or o ther countries.
All other third-party p roduct and company nam es may be trademarks of th eir respective owne rs. Patent No. US544 8263;
US6141000; US6320597; US6326954; US6337681; US6540366; US6741267; US6747636; US7151533; and CA2058219.
Other patents pending.
Copyright Notice
© 2008 SMART Technologies ULC . All rights reserv ed. No part of this public ation may be reproduced , transmitted, trans cribed,
stored in a retrieval system o r translated into any langua ge in any form by any means with out the prior written co nsent of
SMART Technologies ULC. Info rmation in this manual is sub ject to change without n otice and does not repre sent a commitment
on the part of SMART.
Product Registration