58 • Settings
[ S N O M 105 US E R M ANUAL V2.02 ]
snom technology AG • 59
[ S N O M 105 US E R M ANUAL V2.02 ]
Some entries cannot be set to any variable value. Instead they
offer a list of allowed values from which one has to be selected. Again, use
the and to scroll within the list to set the desired value. Pressing
Enter sets the value. Press Cancel if you decide not to change the value.
Other settings require the editing of numbers or strings. This can
be done with the Key pad of the phone. Digits are entered directly via the
keys and letters can be called up by pressing a key repeatedly. You can
toggle between lower case letters (“a”) and upper case letters (“A”) with
the (*) key.
Key mapping:
Moves the cursor to the left.
Moves the cursor to the right.
Deletes the character to the left of
the cursor.
Changes input mode to capital
Changes input mode to small letters.
Changes input mode to numbers.
Enter Accepts the entry.
Cancel Aborts the changes.
You may prefer to use a web browser to congure the settings,
which is usually more convenient.
The snom 105 has an integrated web server to congure its
settings. If the phone is connected to a network that provides DHCP, it can
be immediately accessed via the browser after boot-up. In case you do
not want to use DHCP you must specify the IP address, netmask, gateway,
DNS domain and DNS server statically to ensure correct operation.