The Local Area connection properties dialog box appears again.

7 Click the [OK] button.

The message “Restart the computer?” appears.

8 Click the [Yes] button.

The computer restarts.

Setting the Browser


Set the following two items for the Web browser (Internet Explorer).

Connecting the computer to the Internet using a LANSetting when a proxy server is not used

1 Start the Web browser of the computer (Internet Explorer).

The Internet Explorer dialog box appears.

2 Click [Internet Option] from the tool menu.

The Internet Options dialog appears.

3 Click the [Connections] tab.

The following dialog box appears.

Click [Connections].

4 Place a check mark next to [Never dial a connection], and then click the [LAN Setting…] button.

1 Place a check

2 Click [LAN

mark next to


[Never dial a




The Local Area Network (LAN) Settings

dialog box appears.


When [Never dial a connection] is gray and cannot be selected, go to

Downloading the Operating Instructions