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Sweep PanoramaAllows you to create a panoramic image from composed images.
1Set the mode dial to (Sweep Panorama).
1Set the mode switch to (Sweep Panorama).
Do as the following after step1.
2Point the camera at the edge of the subject, then
press the shutter button fully down.
3Pan the camera to the end, following the
guidance on the LCD screen.
• If you cannot pan the camera across the entire subject within the given time, a gray area occurs in the
composed image. If this happens, move the camera fast to record a full panoramic image.
• Since several images are stitched together, the stitched part will not be recorded smoothly.
• Under low light conditions, panoramic images may be blurred.
• Under lights that flicker such as fluorescent light, the brightness or color of the combined image is not
always the same.
• When the whole angle of panoramic shooting and the angle in which you fixed the foc us and exposure
with AE/AF lock are extremely different in brightness, color and focus, the shooting will not be
successful. If this happens, change the lock angle and shoot again.
• Sweep Panorama is not suitable for the following situations:
– Objects are movin g
– Objects are too close to the camera
– Image with a repeating pattern such as tiles and image with little contrast such as sky, sandy beach, or
– Image with constant change such as waves or water falls
– Image with the sun or electric lights, etc. that are much brighter than surroundings
• You cannot create panoramic images in the following situations:
– You pan the camera too fast or too slow
– There is too much camera shake
This part will not be taken
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