Transfer Status Window
The Transfer Status window enables you to check the transfer status of the playlists and materials sent to the network players. It displays information on the group to which playlists/materials were sent last. The information will be cleared by other data transfer operations, such as obtaining a playout log, remote control of an
This window does not display the results of automatic sending for scheduled playlists.
Group Indication
Displays the name of the selected network player group. Information on this group is displayed.
Status List
Displays the sending order and status of the network players in the selected group. The background color of each line shows the transfer status, as explained at the bottom of the window. When the system is set, in the Setup window, to automatically
Resend playlists/material to the group if an error should occur.
The system sends playlists/materials only to network players which experienced problems in the previous transfer.
Results Button
Opens the Transfer Results window in which the transfer results of all network players are shown, not only those of the network players in a single group.
Abort Button
Cancels sending of playlist/material for the group.